Mount Pleasant's Vet Share Grooming Tips for Dogs

Leading veterinary Group, Mount Pleasant Shared special grooming tips that owners can try for their dogs.

Mount Pleasant Vet Clinic, the leading veterinary group in Singapore recently discussed tips and tricks for keeping dogs healthy and well groomed. The Veterinary group, which has over 10 Clinics, Centres and Surgery Sanctuaries has been offering vet services since 1985. The company offers veterinary supplies, medicines, emergency help, vet services, dermatology, ophthalmology, internal medicine as well as advanced imaging and acupuncture facilities for furry friends.

The representative shared some grooming tips for dogs and said, “At Mount Pleasant Veterinary Centre, we recommend that dog owners should particularly focus on the dental health of their dogs. Most of the dogs we see develop dental diseases or gum problems by the age of 3, which can be easily avoided by following a simple dental health care regime. Owners can bring their furry friends to us on regularly basis for dental cleaning and check-up. They should also consider going for chews, brushes and other products meant for upkeep of dog dental health. Apart from this, they can follow other grooming tips, such as nail trimming and brushing to ensure that the dog walks without a hassle and grows fresh, new coat.”

To increase the popularity of dog grooming practices, Mount Pleasant Vet Clinic now also offers a special bonus points program. This program has been designed to promote proper maintenance and health up-keep of pets. The program is awarded for every payment made for products and services offered by the clinics and centres and can be redeemed for other veterinary services. For this, clients don’t even need to be members or pay a fee to the Clinic or Centre. Accumulated bonus points can be used anywhere in the period of 12 months.

The representative added, “We understand that unlike humans, pets can’t speak to express themselves. Pets, particularly dogs might not even give you the signs that they are sick or unwell. That’s why we at Mount Pleasant wish to promote proper grooming habits for dogs. These habits ensure that the owners establish a whole new level of bonding with the pet. For grooming dogs, our vets recommend that owners should examine their pets daily, looking for any kind of inflammation or hot spots, parasites or irritation. They should use fine toothed combs for handling fleas and tweezers for ticks. To ensure that their dogs are healthy, owners must check their ears, bath them after getting advice from our vets and check their dog’s sleeping pads as well.”

Mount Please Veterinary Group offers a vast range of medical services for pets. They work together with internationally qualified veterinary specialists.