Issues Mountain Biking Tire Alerts

"Switching tires before riding on a different style of terrain can enhance the riding experience immensely."

The team at want mountain biking enthusiasts to be aware of the tire selection safety issue. After all, every style of biking requires a different tire design. Intelligently selected tires are crucial for a safe mountain biking experience in Morzine and Les Gets. The company reports that downhill-tires are usually wider than most other types of bike tires. One can expect the width of tires designated for downhill biking to be in the range from 2.2 to 3 inches. Also, downhill tires have a relatively high number of knobs which are well separated from each other in order to help shed-off mud and rocks that can adhere to a bike while riding. Knobs on tires provide traction on loose terrains, an important point to consider.

A tire’s weight and width are also a major consideration. A narrow tire is lighter and gives a quicker ride, but it is also not well suited for rough terrain. Think about traction: on smooth riding surfaces, like roads, one would want a minimum amount of traction so as to build-up speed. If riding on a rough terrain, traction is sought after for a better ride. This is where knobs come into the picture, and the more space between knobs the more traction the bike will have. The knobs create traction and friction. It‘s advisable to find tires which are in the middle of the two extremes. Many bikers  have a several sets of tires meant for riding different terrains. Switching tires before riding on a different style of terrain can greatly improve the riding experience.(A)  

Before setting out to any bike trail in Morzine, whether it is DH or an ordinary mountain bike trail - it is suggested to consult a biking instructor to learn about what safety measures should be taken in preparation for Morzine‘s specific trails.(A) Of course it is always advisable to check with your family physician before beginning any down-hill adventures. Whether a DHer or an XC rider, enjoy the best guides in Morzine & Les Gets, they take everybody through the best trails and improve their alpine mountain biking technique.

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