More than 90 Percent of Damaging Lightning Storms Occur from April through September, Alset Warns

Companies with mission critical equipment located in rural sites need to prepare for Mother Nature's onslaught now to avoid destruction caused by lightning.

Lightning season, the period from April through September, is when more than 90 percent of damaging thunderstorms occur, Alset Corp. points out, so now is the time for companies with mission critical equipment located in rural sites to prepare for Mother Nature's onslaught.

Alset is the developer of Lightning Shield, a new technology that protects equipment from harmful ground currents caused by nearby lightning strikes, providing protection that grounding and surge protection cannot fulfill

Based on storm data compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration over a 35-year period, 92 percent of lightning damage occurs from April through September. Telecommunications companies, utilities, railroads, airports and other industries that rely on remotely located equipment must be particularly vigilant during those six months, said Gary Fox, president of Alset Corp.

"Whether a company delivers high-bandwidth Internet or video services, or relies on its equipment for customer safety and status monitoring, it is critical that this equipment performs reliably in all weather conditions," Fox said. "This is the time of year when equipment is most vulnerable, because of the frequency and severity of thunderstorms and the constant threat from lightning ground currents."

Alset's Lightning Shield protects against lightning ground currents, which occur when a nearby lightning ground strike radiates high-frequency energy through the earth's surface to the equipment site. This energy can saturate the grounding system and force fault current onto the bonded power circuits leading to the exposed electronics. Eliminating this fault path through the electronics, by temporarily isolating the equipment from the power connection, protects the equipment for the duration of the lightning threat.

Surge protection is designed to protect equipment from lightning-induced current on telecom and power conductors. A grounding system is designed to quickly dissipate low frequency energy to earth. Neither technology can protect a site from lightning ground currents in areas where the soil conditions are highly resistive - such as sand, limestone, slate, and granite.

"Lightning Shield keeps lightning in the ground and off your circuits," Fox said. "It protects your equipment and assures that your services aren't interrupted, even in the toughest weather conditions."

Areas of the U.S. that are most subject to frequent and potentially damaging storms are the Central Plains and the Southeast. This area, stretching from Colorado to Florida, sees at least 50 "thunderstorm days" in an average year. In the Deep South, those numbers range from 60 to 90 thunderstorm days annually.

"The combination of recurrent lightning storms in rural areas with resistant soil conditions is a prescription for lightning damage. But Lightning Shield protects electronic equipment from the high voltage ground currents that can cause so much damage," Fox added. "Our technology detects imminent lightning and pre-emptively eliminates the potential fault path. By improving site reliability and significantly reducing repair expenses, Lightning Shield can pay for itself in just one thunderstorm."

Lightning Shield is available in 50-amp (LS-50) and 200-amp (LS-200) versions for small and large remote sites. LS-ATS provides customized protection for high amperage facilities, such as wireless switches. Remote Manager rounds out the product line, providing control and remote test capabilities that enhance site management. Lightning Shield has been accepted by the USDA's Rural Utilities Service for use on RUS-funded projects.

About Alset Corp.
Seattle-based Alset Corp. develops and manufactures equipment designed to protect against damage from lightning ground currents, also known as lightning ground potential rise. Alset sells its equipment both directly and through a network of manufacturer's representatives. For more information about Alset and its lightning protection technology, visit