More Demand For Bankruptcy Attorneys As More Bankruptcy Cases Are Filed

Alarming figures of bankruptcy cases being filed in America are not a product of mythology. Bankruptcy is more prevalent than ever in these harsh times, whether we like it or not.

Unemployment, Debts, Foreclosures. These are the words that hang like daggers above our heads as we read of bankruptcy filings on the rise. As consumers, legal aid is our only true comfort especially when it comes to something very close to our hearts---our finances. Nichols Bankruptcy Law Office unveils the facts behind the harsh and very real truth about the phenomenon that is bankruptcy.

A trustee for the US Bankruptcy court, Cheryl E. Rose, discloses information pertaining to just how much the number of filed cases for bankruptcy has escalated in a span of a few years. It is evident that the economic recession has taken its toll amongst Americans, to the point where financial debt and loss of properties to pay off those debts have resulted to homelessness for some. Rose notes the changes in nature of cases being filed as roughly two or three years ago, some of these people actually had one or two homes. But as the economy worsened, brining along with it the inevitable collapse of the housing market, people lost equity. With no assets, and plenty of debts, bankruptcy attorneys seemed like the likely heroes for these distraught consumers.

Rose mentions it was also common to see cases with lots of unemployment, noting how even those belonging to the middle-upper income debtors who not only have to contend with losing their jobs but also with exhausting any equity out of their homes in order to pay off debts.

The clamor for more Bankruptcy Attorneys is higher than ever as more hearings are being held and more cases are being filed everyday. A staggering 27,642 cases were actually filed between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010 in the state of Maryland, proving just how serious the bankruptcy crisis has become.

Nichols Bankruptcy Law would be glad to serve these clients who are desperate for support or legal aid. In tough times like these, legal aid for bankruptcy case filers are deeply comforting words.

The Law Office of Rob R. Nichols is conveniently located in Woodland Hills, California. We are dedicated to providing you with the personal attention you need. You will be assisted at all times by a compassionate attorney who will answer your questions, not paralegals and secretaries.

Rob R. Nichols
Nichols Bankruptcy Law
5850 Canoga Avenue, 4th Floor, Woodland Hills, CA 91367