More and more readers choose Europe Books, the publishing house that promotes the works of both established and emerging authors

Europe Books proposes books in English, written by both well-known and emerging authors, and distributes them throughout Europe. This is a successful formula, as the editors keep receiving an increasing number of cooperation requests.  

"We evaluate over 500 works a month, submitted by high-profile literary agencies or the authors themselves. Whether the writers are famous or not, our dedication is the same," says Daniel De Prosperis, chief-editor at Europe Books, which proposes works by both popular and emerging authors in the same series of books.

Europe Books' distribution network is one of the most widespread in the publishing sector, reaching twelve countries in the world.

As Europe Books' team revealed, the project of the publishing house has deep roots, and is based upon three main principles:

  1. Distribution. "Over the last years, we have been working hard to create new partnerships with some of the main national distributors in different countries. We are an international group, but we do care about working with local partners, because every country has specific distribution dynamics. After all, an accurate and efficient distribution is a book's most important ally. Today, our network reaches more than 60,000 bookstores all over the world, and we are very proud of it."
  2. Editorial Promotion. "We would have never achieved our goals if we hadn't opted for high-impact promotional strategies. We present all our works at - no less than - six international book fairs; we interview the authors on our TV shows and set thousands of book presentations in the bookstores and online. But there is more: we also make book trailers, audiobooks, online and traditional advertising campaigns. In other words, we try our best in order to boost the visibility of our works."
  3. Quality of the Catalogue. "When you propose an emerging author to a bookseller, it is vital that the catalogue of the Publishing House features well-known authors as well, because big names have the power to elevate the entire editorial proposal. That is why we have always counted on a balanced mix of best-selling writers and debut authors. This way, we can offer our readers the guarantee of experience but also the excitement of discovery."

We could add a fourth secret, that Europe Books' staff did not mention, because it is actually an essential ingredient, rather than a secret: experience.

Europe Books is part of one of the most prolific international publishing groups, which has been operating in the sector for almost twenty years and is now deeply rooted in many European countries.

Innovation and experience are key words for Europe Books, one of the most appreciated editorial projects in the continent.

Source: Europe Books