Mondo Group, Inc. To Aid Private Sector Companies In Development Of Afghanistan's Minerals
Online, August 5, 2010 ( - WASHINGTON, DC-- Mondo Group, a US-based, American-owned logistics and supply chain management company and Prime Vendor of fuels in Central Asia under various US Defense Department contracts, has announced the formation of a team to help private sector companies assist in the development of Afghanistan's extensive mineral base.
Media reports indicate the size of Afghanistan's untapped mineral wealth could surpass one trillion dollars worth of iron, copper, cobalt, gold, lithium, and niobium. It is believed that iron and copper are among the largest deposits, with a big enough supply to make Afghanistan a major world producer. The lithium deposits, a key requirement of batteries, are thought to be as large those in Bolivia, the current leader in lithium deposits, which could push Afghanistan into that top spot.
Mondo Group, Inc. is a US-based, globally oriented logistics and supply chain management contractor. It sources and delivers mission critical equipment, material and personnel in areas where political strife, social instability and infrastructure deficiencies make supply operations difficult and vulnerable to hostile actions. Mondo Group's core capabilities include providing global sourcing, procurement, transportation, storage, program management and staffing.
"We look forward to serving the needs of major mining and minerals companies to help facilitate their involvement in Afghanistan. We will help provide for technology transfer and ensure that Afghanistan develops its human as well as its mineral resources," says Tommy Hakimi, CEO of Mondo Group, Inc. The capability of Mondo Group's global approach and proven ability to apply international best practices and meet use contracting compliance requirements is evidenced by performance achievements on Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Contracts and Defense Energy Support Center (DESC) contracts in Central Asia.
Mondo Group takes pride in their global focus and capabilities, and currently has offices and an established footprint in the region. As result of their existing relationships and ties to the country, Mondo Group believes they can take part in this newfound opportunity with Afghanistan. "Our in-country Afghan staff has knowledge of the culture, customs and practices of the area, and routinely facilitates an open channel of distribution, which will serve the needs of the international extractive industries, as well as Afghanistan," says Hakimi.