Mom Directs Efforts Toward Keeping Teen's Safe

New technology that can help parents better protect their children.

Jennifer Holmes of Rockford, Illinois, is reaching out to parents of teenagers across the world to bring their attention to a new technology that can help them better protect their children. Jennifer Holmes created the website where parents can learn about a new mobile phone technology that enables parents to monitor and track their teenager's cellular phone activities and whereabouts. The increased number of missing teen's sparked Jennifer's interest in finding a better way to help parents monitor and protect their children from predators. The technology includes a built in GPS tracking system that allows parents to view their teen's whereabouts by logging onto the Internet and entering an assigned code. In the event that a child is missing the technology would assist law enforcement agencies with information on the child's last known location and recent communication activity. Jennifer urges parent's to take every precaution in their child's safety and learn about technology that will help them.

About Ways To Protect Your Child

Ways To Protect Your Child
3516 N Main Street
Rockford, IL
