Modern Advertising, Inc.'s Team Makes Learning a Priority

Associates from Modern Advertising, Inc. recently returned from a quarterly national conference at which they gained multiple insights from industry leaders. It was one of many educational events the team will attend this year.

“When our team returned, they were anxious to share their new information with everyone,” noted Mike, Modern Advertising, Inc.’s director of operations. “This is the real benefit that comes from participating in these conferences and other networking events. There is so much knowledge transferred.”

Mike noted that, at this conference, many of the interactive marketing industry’s top performers were present. “Our team learned from the best and brightest,” he said. “Each of the speakers was an expert in the field. In addition, there were workshops and other sessions in which attendees could discuss best practices.”

"When our team returned, they were anxious to share their new information with everyone,"

Mike T., Director of Operations

According to Mike, the goal for his team was to gather specific information. “Before leaving for the event, we discussed the topics that would be addressed and what in particular was important knowledge to acquire from this conference,” he explained. “Each team member was assigned a topic on which to concentrate and gather as much information as possible. There’s a lot to process at these functions, so by having people focus on one or two areas, the quality of information is better.”

After the team returned, Mike stated that they gathered as a group to report on the tips and tricks that they learned. “We dissect and analyze the material to see what can really benefit our company,” he cited. “We try to find two or three ideas that we can implement and monitor to see if they’re effective, then save the rest for later. It’s like all goals we set; I’d rather we master a few things than try to do too much and never achieve our objectives.”

Modern Advertising, Inc.’s Managers Offer Networking Advice

Mike cited networking opportunities as another of the key benefits for the Modern Advertising, Inc. team when attending these events. “You’re afforded a chance to meet many colleagues from different regions,” he said. “It can be both exciting and overwhelming at times.”

“Years ago, networking was about the number of contacts, or how many business cards with which you came home,” Mike explained. “Today, like with the information presented, it’s better to consider quality over quantity. Rather than trying to meet as many people as possible, I advise making connections to a few individuals with whom you can develop a longer-term business relationship.”

Mike concluded, “In this industry, everything is about connections. As our team masters networking, they also become experts at the skill that makes the biggest difference to the brands we represent. We’re not just here to promote – we’re here to build relationships. This is what the future of marketing is all about.”

About Modern Advertising

Modern Advertising is an innovative marketing leader in sports and entertainment industries. Their creative and interactive event-based advertising solutions build sustainable links between clients and their customers by using exciting consumer events and exclusive rewards packages. Modern Advertising’s team of expert event coordinators generates stronger customer loyalty for both emerging brands and Fortune 500 clients because of the firm’s dynamic training program that equips their executives with the necessary expertise and intuition to form personal connections with receptive audiences. Using careful demographic analysis, they are able to target specific customers with customized techniques, ensuring greater success and growth. Their reputation in the industry makes Modern Advertising a trusted name and proven industry leader. To learn more about their unique approach, visit