MLM Leaders Directory is Filling a Void in the Rapidly Expanding Market of Home Business Seekers

Network Marketer Cheryl James is creating a premiere directory of network marketing coaches and mentors to aid home business seekers. The directory will help connect newcomers with proven MLM leaders.

Network Marketer Cheryl James is creating a premiere directory of network marketing coaches and mentors to aid home business seekers. The directory will help connect newcomers with proven MLM leaders.

"The network marketing industry is growing by leaps and bounds and more growth is expected as the baby boomers enter retirement" says Cheryl. "Factor in the ease of marketing and the dynamic impact that the Internet has had on the growth of home based enterprises, and you'll see that this sort of resource has been overdue."

An Internet Network Marketer herself, Ms. James is making waves in the MLM community by introducing new and valuable resources, oftentimes for free. There are many components of creating an online brand and MLM Leaders Directory aims to become an integral part of that.

"Our directory is categorized by both area of expertise and company affiliation" says Cheryl. "It is similar to an online version of the Yellow Pages, only it is much more robust offering a full bio and including float box previewing of member's content and websites."

"Multi level marketing is growing rapidly and is becoming the most cost effective model for advertising specialty products and services. Reaching the niche of newcomers and seasoned veterans looking for a new opportunity or partnership will only strengthen the impact this business has had on people's lives."