Offers Practical Book on Spiritual Enlightenment Through Meditation
Online, November 14, 2011 ( - Enlighten is a fact exists on this earth many people are heard of, but very rarest of rare among them have achieved this. In fact, according to many venerated scriptures and as per the statements made by many enlightened persons, saints, Yogis and Sadhus every human being is already enlightened, simply need to rediscover their eternal soul which has been buried deep within the material pleasures since ages. Understanding the concept of spiritual enlightenment is a matter of immense dedication and regular practice of certain processes involving meditation and internal cleansing process through various methodologies described by the enlightened persons. This is very easy to say we are enlightened but without a deep understanding and very intense belief of the enlightenment its all a fuss!
MK Ettington through his book 'Enlightenment for Dummies' has detailed the history associated with search for enlightenment since ages together. He along with his 40 years of research and practice of occult behavior has briefed every aspects of enlightenment through his teachers' teachings and through his self-realization. This book describes about the history of enlightenment, the practice, the misconceptions associated with enlightenment and the restricting factors for human behavior which restricts a soul from attaining the state of enlightenment. With his profuse research and understanding through concepts and teachings of various occult groups and spiritual masters, he has tried to input a perspective towards heavenly enlightenment through his book.
At his website you can study enlightenment and you can realize the potential of spiritualism and medication on enlightenment. You can refer to his book on enlightenment for understanding the impact of ego on enlightenment. You can also learn what the effects of enlightenment books are and how to achieve enlightenment through it. You can have an explanatory note on the additional steps to achieve enlightenment and can also get acquainted with some of personal experiences of the writer regarding self-enlightenment. This book will offer you a detailed guidance of the sequential practices, which are most necessary to realize your state of enlightenment. Although as per the author MK Ettington, all humans are already enlightened; you can get a dedicated guidance on how enlightenment works and how you can achieve that.
This book compiles all those vital information regarding meditation enlightenment which would probably have taken many years to understand. The concept is that like musk deer runs around the jungle and dies in search of the musk and without knowing that the musk is in his body itself, human need to understand his state of enlightenment well before dying as musk deer does.
"I have spent many valuable years of my life in search of enlightenment. In process I have been a part of many occult groups and have inherited the knowledge on enlightenment. I have travelled extensively in search of enlightenment and ultimately discovered that in myself. The fact is that human is unable to experience his enlightened state in this materialistic world and he need to spend much more time as it was in my case before understanding the facets of enlightenment and the easy path to achieve this. My book is for those who are searching for enlightenment and this book is the writings and advices those might take long years to acquire independently."- Enunciates MK Ettington, the author and the founder of
Many of us are in search of enlightenment and spiritual pleasure after spending so many days in this materialistic world. This book from can be a real help to those who are still wondering around in search of some clues to this supernatural phenomenon. Hurry up now to order your copy of 'Enlightenment for Dummies', from this website at .