Great Rivers Habit Alliance Pledges Its Support of HB2182
ST. LOUIS, February 22, 2018 ( - The frequency of devastating flood events throughout Missouri over the last five years has brought new concerns for the appropriate, proper and rational development of our floodplains. Many individuals and businesses who honestly believed their property was situated safely outside the often misunderstood 100-year floodplain are now bewildered to learn the personal and financial devastation they face by not having flood insurance.
Rep. Elaine Gannon (R) District 115 of Desoto has witnessed far too much of this repeated and unexpected flooding in the watershed of her home district. Gannon is the author of HB2182 which will require all counties and municipalities that have land within the floodplain in the State of Missouri to participate in and comply with all the provisions of the National Flood Insurance Program.
Gannon’s proposal would require each county and municipality to designate a floodplain manager. Their goal would be to protect the natural and beneficial functions of their floodplains by overseeing policies and activities in order to mitigate current and potential losses and the costs related to flooding. All floodplain managers would be certified by the state emergency management agency (SEMA) who would be responsible for enforcing regulations for development in floodplains.
Designated floodplain managers would collaborate with SEMA and with stakeholders to determine prudent and rational levels of development in floodplains. For far too long, Missouri floodplain development rules have been too lax. SEMA would be responsible for establishing new regulations and for enacting a process for reviewing proposed site plans that request variances.
Sources available to media for interviews:
Representative Elaine Gannon
District 115 DeSoto, MO
MO House of Representatives
201 West Capitol Avenue Room 304-B
Jefferson City MO 65101
573-751- 7735
David Stokes
Executive Director
Great Rivers Habitat Alliance
(314) 276-6305 (mobile)
Ed Smith
Policy Director
Missouri Coalition for the Environment
(314) 727-0600 x114
(314) 705-4975 mobile
Paula Arbuthnot
Local Advocate from District 115
Desoto, MO
(636) 575 6646 or 636 638 5188
Source: Great Rivers Habitat Alliance