Minister Or Sinister? Preacher Bureau of Investigations Has Just Released A New Study On Cults At

Minister or Sinister is an in-depth review of how to identify if a congregation is operating as a church or a cult.

Due to the recent sex scandal involving Bishop Eddie Long and a growing number of arrested Pastors from The Church of God in Christ the Preacher Bureau of Investigations ( has just released a new report on the consequences of cults. Minister or Sinister is an in-depth review of how to identify if a congregation is operating as a church or a cult.

The series Minister or Sinister is a direct response to Pastors who have decided to use mind control and spiritual intimidation in order to control the members of their congregation. The reluctance of many members to come forward once a Pastor has crossed the line from Pastor to Predator only leads to more members of the congregation becoming victims. The series covers every angle of how a traditional church can become a cult in as little as three years.

Listed below is a small section of what is covered in the series Minister or Sinister.

1. LOST OF IDIVIDUALITY. You are no longer a creative, independent thinking individual. Everyone must speak the SAME thing...say what the leader says at all times...any other opinion is going against God.

2. LOST OF RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS. Relationship with friends, relatives, and children - ANY NON-MEMBER is severed. - RELATIONSHIP IS BASED ON MEMBERSHIP

3. EXCESSIVE GIVING. Extreme pressure to give all you have. Several offerings, large sums, public announcement of your amount resulting in guilt and intimidation.

4. ISOLATION. Isolation from anything and anyone not directly affiliated with the church.


6. LOSS OF FREE WILL. Members cannot make any independent decisions concerning personal life. Cannot question leadership.

A spokesperson for the Preacher Bureau of Investigations says that mind control is the number one tool used by Cult Pastors in order to control the giving patterns of their members.

"When you look back on the Sub-Prime Loan Housing Crisis many Christians found themselves on the foreclosure side of the crisis and yet they still made substantial donations to their Pastors. Prosperity Preachers like Creflo Dollar, Bishop Randy White, Kenneth Copeland, Bishop Paul Morton, Bishop Michael Pitts, Jesse Duplantis, and Peter Popoff have mastered the art of getting members to put the needs of the Pastor before their own. Unfortunately many of these same members have now found themselves struggling to make mortgage payments and pay their normal tithes."

Because of this group, Minister or Sinister is now available Free at