Michigan Filmmaker's Movie To Feed The Homeless And Share Hope
Online, August 11, 2013 (Newswire.com) - In an entertainment industry driven by violence and irreverent comedies, Michigan filmmaker Paul Schneider's passion is to not only make a movie that is entertaining, but also include an uplifting message of hope.
The Michigan resident is in pre-production of a lighthearted drama entitled "A Hope Without Walls". Filming this October, the film is about a homeless man, a coffee guzzling cult, and a mysterious tin lunchbox.
Mr. Schneider states that he wrote the film to bring awareness to the homelessness that affects countless veterans, families, and runaway youth. Government studies have reported an estimated 700,000 Americans experience homelessness on any given night in the U.S.
"A Hope Without Walls" recently launched an Indiegogo.com crowdfunding campaign to raise funds and bring awareness to the project. Mr. Schneider is relying on word of mouth advertising to reach his goal of $8,000 to cover basic production costs.
In return for contribution, donors receive a gift such as a DVD copy of the completed film or autographed coffee mug. A portion of every dollar contributed feeds the hungry through national organization Feeding America®.
The film has received great reviews from local pastors who had the chance to read the script. "The story has a powerful message without being heavy handed," says Pastor Adrian Tranquilino. "This is a moving story of true redemption from a unique perspective."
Mr. Schneider expressed his desire to change lives with this project. "There are over 36,000 homeless in Detroit and Southeast Michigan," he said. "If we can give hope to even one person, all the work put into this film will be worth it."
For more information on "A Hope Without Walls", visit the Indiegogo.com campaign webpage: http://www.igg.me/at/hopewithoutwalls