Michael Moore Interviews Randy Hansen

Michael Moore turns the tables on hick from the sticks and interviews him about Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Hillary Clinton, Bill O'Reilly, Greta Van Sustern, Geraldo, Clint Walker and the Disney release of Old Yeller. Will Randy take Michael's advice

Interesting short interview that enlightens viewers to the feelings of a normal everyday citizen from a small town in the Sierra's Gold Country in Northern California. Grass Valley an old gold mining town from the 1800's.
Fox News is found to be one of the reasons Randy's thinking is a little confused about the Occupy Wall Street Protests and there is not much said about Michael Moore's new book "Here Comes Trouble"

If you type michael moore randy hansen in search on youtube the full interview is there. You can also see it at our GVTV NEWS website.

Michael Moore turns the tables on hick from the sticks and interviews him about Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Hillary Clinton, Bill O'Reilly, Greta Van Sustern, Geraldo, Clint Walker and the Disney release of Old Yeller.
Michael Moore suggests that Randy quit reading Michaels news letters and to start the Herman Cain for President group for Nevada County. This entertaining candid interview shows what a small town citizen is thinking about the big picture in the world today.
Its also possible that Michael Moore was just having some fun on a long tour around the country where he has little time to relax and with the small town ambiance where his sister lives was allowing him to let his hair down so to speak.
Two main questions come out of this interview:
1. Will Randy Hansen start the Herman Cain For President group for Nevada County like Michael Moore suggested?
2. Will Michael Moore continue on with his new hosting of shows that has started in Nevada County and who will be his next guest?
Michael Moore will be heading out to many more cities in the next couple months and Randy Hansen will go back to his 5 day a week local and world news and maybe start on a new adventure into the political ring in trying to help a business man Herman Cain become our next president.
Grass Valley Television

Although Randy was representing the local Public Access Television Station NCTV - Digital Media Center the way the interview went the content became political and the station is non-political so this interview is being released through Grass Valley Television that Randy Hansen is the Executive Producer / Anchor.

About Grass Valley Television

Grass Valley Television
13227 Greenhorn Road
Grass Valley, CA
