Michael Jefferson's New Book 'Portal' Takes Readers on a Stirring Journey Across the Different Sides of Life in Its Highs and Lows

Fulton Books author Michael Jefferson, a writer born in New Bedford, Massachusetts, has completed his most recent book "Portal": a gripping illustration of life in its different joys and struggles. It is a collection of poetry that explores a variety of issues in society and history while also diving into what brings life its beauty.

Jefferson shares, "Portal is a book of poems from a vast collection of the author. It has many different subjects. Some of them are dark, and some of them are lighter. Tackling subjects like suicide, history, domestic violence, racism, and child abuse. Some talk of hope, inspiration, love, and just plain fun. Please know that you are never truly alone. Even when it seems like you are at your lowest, there is always help. There is always hope. Dive into Portal and enjoy."

Published by Fulton Books, Michael Jefferson's meaningful verses capture the reality of the world and the beauty of life.

It holds many journeys of challenges, struggle, abuse, triumphs, failures, hope, and happiness, giving its readers an experience that takes them across different perspectives.

Readers who wish to experience this brilliant work can purchase "Portal" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books