MedKaz® Solves Critical Problems in Delivering Connected Cancer Care

Lifetime patient-controlled record makes health data available to providers, patients and caregivers today, anytime, anywhere

A report just released by the President’s Cancer Panel, Report to the President, Improving Cancer-Related Outcomes with Connected Health, cites the need for interoperability now as a prerequisite for enhancing cancer prevention, care and research with connected health. It points out that most healthcare data remain in “silos” which cannot share data between one another or be accessed without technology tools unavailable to most stakeholders. It concludes that while connected cancer care technologies can help improve cancer treatment, they are unlikely to do so unless everyone involved can share patient data among the wide range of people who need access to it.

Fortunately, a groundbreaking solution is available which addresses this critical problem today. It provides immediate, total interoperability to everyone in the health system, including providers, healthcare organizations, researchers, and public health agencies addressing the scourge of cancer.

"MedKaz offers the only complete and reliable solution to the problem of sharing connected data for cancer care - and all other care as well!"

Merle Bushkin, Founder & CEO

This solution is MedKaz®, a mini drive the patient carries with him or her containing copies of all their records from all their providers and the MedKaz application to manage them. They simply give it to any provider when they need care. Their provider can electronically search its contents to access specific records and information and, thereby, coordinate their care, avoid mistakes and deliver better, lower-cost care. It blends seamlessly with whatever charting system providers use, saves them time with each patient. It even works during power outages, natural disasters and without Internet access. Most importantly, providers update it for their patients — and are paid to do so.

Merle Bushkin, Founder & CEO of Health Record Corporation, creator of MedKaz, explains that “MedKaz offers the only complete and reliable solution to the problem of sharing connected data for cancer care – and all other care as well!”

“With MedKaz:

  • “Providers can access accurate and complete information without having to build expensive technical gateways and networks.
  •  “Patients, caregivers, and diverse teams of providers can coordinate care.
  • “As recommended by the Panel, ‘individuals [can] manage their health information and participate in their care across the cancer continuum,’ and correct erroneous records. 

  • “Also, providers, researchers, public health officials and other stakeholders can engage in ‘data sharing and integration to improve care, enhance surveillance, and advance research.’”

In its report, the Panel calls for APIs to make record sharing possible. Mr. Bushkin points out that “MedKaz goes even further: When EMR vendors embrace our MedKaz API, patient records can be uploaded and downloaded seamlessly from the patent’s MedKaz to any and all EMR systems, and most of the objectives called for by the President’s Cancer Panel will be achieved in one fell swoop!”

“And while the report doesn’t address how their desired interoperability will be paid for, MedKaz is way ahead of the pack. It is financially self-sustaining — which is critical since HHS just disbursed the last $38 million available to fund HIEs. And last but not least, MedKaz is a new source of income for providers, most of which drops right to their bottom line. For many, this new income can turn losses into profits.

“In short, it’s time to recognize that the government-designed approach to interoperability doesn’t work and adopt one that does. MedKaz does what connected cancer care researchers — and all clinicians — are calling for, and what providers, patients and caregivers need. We look forward to helping connected care for all patients reach its full potential.”


The patented MedKaz is a groundbreaking system that turns the conventional approach to healthcare IT and interoperability on its head. It puts the patient at the center of their care by aggregating their lifetime medical record in one place, owned and controlled by them, which care providers can access as needed. MedKaz is the only system that accepts records in all formats from all sources, overcoming record incompatibility as well as patient identification and legal problems; is secure from Internet breaches, easy to use, affordable, and available now; and doesn’t require government subsidies or expensive health information networks to exchange records. It lives alongside care providers’ systems, whether paper or electronic, and blends seamlessly into their established workflow, enabling improved quality and coordination of care, elimination of mistakes and unnecessary testing, and cost savings. MedKaz is a product of Health Record Corporation, based in Brownsville, VT. (For more information visit, view the “Why MedKaz” video), read the Q&A sections.)


Merle Bushkin
(802) 484-0249

Source: MedKaz