Medium Term Growth is a Better Choice of Operational Planning

Companies hire employees and build infrastructure, but at times do not know how to manage the growth they obtain. Stever Robbins suggests that medium term growth is best for operational planning, on the June Issue of Latino Business Review.

(San Diego, CA)- "Operational planning for growing companies is best at a medium pace," states Stever Robbins, in an interview with Latino Business Review. A coach for executives and high-potential leaders, Robbins, who co-founded FTP Software has been a part of nine high-tech start-ups, three IPS, and three acquisitions. As s business entrepreneur and strategist, he finds it most important for business owners and CEOs to be certain that their company is equipped to properly handle the new growth.

"It's typical to look for the next step that will lead to success," said Robbins. "Companies hire people and build infrastructure, assuming that this will take you where you want to go. The problem is when the anticipated growth doesn't materialize."

In the article with Robbins, which is featured in the June issue of Latino Business Review, he made it clear as to why it is wiser to be conservative with expenditures. In addition, Robbins explains why forming proper distribution and networking contacts in the region or country targeted for growth is essential as well.

"I have noticed that most businesses don't pay attention to whether or not they are able to manage the growth they obtain," said Robbins in the article. "Find a CEO or business person who has achieved what your goal is, and develop a mentorship. Take classes; a lot of what business owners need to know is already known by someone. Look for experts and books on the topics that you may be lacking in. Companies expand into product areas or customer areas that they aren't equipped to manage, and they don't realize it until it's too late. This is the most overlooked problem with growth."

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