Medical Marijuana Tech Firm Speaks Out In Favor of Prop 19

PlainView Systems endorses California's Proposition 19, the Regulate, Control and Talk Cannabis Act of 2010, and asks its patients and friends to vote YES! on Prop 19 on Nov. 2.

After considering all the facts around Proposition 19, the Regulate, Control and Talk Cannabis Act of 2010 (,_the_%22Regulate,_Control_and_Tax_Cannabis_Act_of_2010%22_(California)), PlainView Systems, LLC officially endorses Proposition 19 and strongly urges California voters to do the same.

"This proposition, if passed into law, would enhance the rights of all marijuana users and create a public policy that would greatly benefit Californians through proper regulations and taxation of cannabis products and services sold to the public," said John Lee, CEO of PlainView Systems, LLC. "In addition, it would legalize possession of a small amount of marijuana for private use. These are NOT bad things!

"Prop 19 is a bold move forward in the fight for legalization of marijuana nationwide. It lays out a clearer framework for commerce in this truly green industry!"

While there are some small hazards, such as criminalizing smoking marijuana in a house with children, we feel problems like this can be addressed legislatively and in future amendments to this act. Furthermore, anyone with a real medical need can still obtain MMJ permits, as Prop 19 does not interfere with Prop 215 or SB420 in any way. Prop 19 eliminates more criminal behavior than it creates.

While we can agree with reasonable people who believe that Prop 19 does not go far enough, we realize this proposed law confronts the criminalization of responsible marijuana use and takes us closer to the ideal. Every shift in public sentiment must start somewhere. Prop 215 was the first step, SB 420 was the next and SB 1449 (which Governor Schwarzenegger just signed, lowering minor marijuana possession to a misdemeanor) was the latest in what are clear steps that California voters have taken to decriminalize marijuana use by responsible individuals.

PlainView Systems endorses Proposition 19 and asks its patients and friends to vote YES! on Prop 19 on Nov. 2.

About PlainView Systems, LLC

PlainView Systems, LLC
P.O. Box 756
Boyes Hot Springs, CA,
