Medical Equipment Market Report 2020 for Latin America Released

Medical Equipment Market Report Latin America 2020

​​Global Health Intelligence (GHI), the leading healthcare data analytics provider in Latin America, has just published Medical Equipment Market Report: Latin America 2020

Exclusively created for medical equipment manufacturers operating in Latin America, this unique report features more than 1,500 crucial data points that sales and marketing teams can use to devise their plans for 2021 and beyond. “After a challenging 2020, many companies are looking ahead to 2021 and for many, their strategic planning process is underway,” explains Guillaume Corpart, CEO and founder of Global Health Intelligence. “This report will help companies understand which categories of equipment have the most sales potential going forward, which institutions are the top prospects for buying high-tech equipment and much more.”

Among the data featured in Medical Equipment Market Report: Latin America 2020:

·         The 6 fastest-growing medical equipment categories in Mexico, along with growth categories in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and other markets

·         The 70 hospitals in Latin America that acquire more high-tech products than any others in the region — with the specific amounts of high-tech products that each possesses, ranging from angiograms and C-arms to PET systems and robotic surgery systems

·         Penetration rates of base installed equipment for more than 25 different categories (from anesthesia machines to X-ray machines) in 7 major hospital markets of Latin America

·         Total amounts of basic equipment (e.g. infusion pumps, ventilators) in all Latin American hospitals, along with the average amount per hospital

·         Specialized equipment (e.g. C-arms, gamma cameras, linear accelerators) penetration rates for all of Latin America, total amounts and average amount per hospital that possess this equipment

·         Total amounts of specialized units (operating rooms, ICUs, NICUs, PICUs) for all of Latin America and also for markets like Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Central America

And much more, including the total amounts of: hospitals, hospital beds, operating rooms doctors, surgical procedures performed and other overall market data in Latin America, which serves to complement the specific data featured for each LatAm hospital market.

“The major advantage and benefit from our report is that we source our data directly from in-house primary research conducted with hospitals,” observes Corpart. “We cover roughly 90% of all the hospitals in Latin America within our database, with more than 140 data points for each. This powers the Medical Equipment Market Report: Latin America 2020 with fresh, direct data. Other reports tend to rely on secondary sources that are often outdated and limited primary research, resulting in insights that are questionable at best. Our team’s constant verification ensures as much accuracy as possible, directly from the source,” says Corpart.

A free report sample and the table of contents for Medical Equipment Market Report: Latin America 2020 are both available at the report website,

Press Contact: Abel Delgado, Digital Marketing Director,

Source: Global Health Intelligence

About Americas Market Intelligence

Americas Market Intelligence (AMI) is the premier market intelligence and strategy consultancy for Latin America, providing powerful research insights for companies to succeed in a wide range of verticals in the region, including payments, healthcare, logistics, mining, energy, consumer goods/services and the industrial sector. Its customized research reports deliver data-based clarity and far-reaching strategic direction based on expert sources.

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