Meatloaf Recipes: What's Old is New Again

Meatloaf recipes are very popular, and a free downloadable eCookbook is a great way to get 24 meatloaf recipes without spending a dime.

With so much uncertainty in the world these days, it's nice to be able to fall back on some old favorite comfort foods. That's why RecipeLion has published a new free eCookbook, 24 Must-Have Meatloaf Recipes. Meatloaf recipes have been around since your grandmother's grandmother was cooking (probably even longer!), but with this terrific new eCookbook, you'll find that what's old is new again.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employers took 1,761 mass layoff actions involving 182,261 workers in January alone. That means a lot of folks are still out of work and need to make inexpensive meals. Meatloaf recipes are an excellent way to incorporate some great food into your cooking repertoire without great expenditure.

In the 24 Must-Have Meatloaf Recipes free eCookbook, you'll find 24 tasty meatloaf recipes, including old standbys like this classic meatloaf recipe and new soon-to-be-favorites like this BBQ potato cheese meatloaf recipe. There are traditional meatloaf recipes, recipes for turkey meatloaf, cheesy meatloaf recipes, and more. 24 Must-Have Meatloaf Recipes is available for free download at:

For additional information on meatloaf recipes or's free meatloaf recipe eCookbook, please contact Editorial Director Nina Hoffman.