Matchmaking Takes Another Leap

In a bold move, Americas top matchmaker Janis Spindel takes a leap of faith and develops a revolutionary business model no other dating site or matchmaking company thought of.

In a bold move, Americas top matchmaker Janis Spindel, takes a leap of faith and develops a revolutionary business model no other dating site or matchmaking company thought of.

Janis Spindel develops a business model whereby she maintains her 21 years of successful matchmaking and duplicates that on an online platform.

Not only is the online platform a new move for a traditional matchmaker, the online platform goes one level deeper.

The online platform addresses the need for an online dating platform, which will be a free online dating site with all member benefits available to create a personal profile, search other members, contact other members by text chat and secure email.

In addition, the online platform, will consist of an online branded matchmaking site where those members who want more than a free dating site can participate in a do it yourself style matchmaking site.

Janis Spindel designed the online matchmaking platform to cater to her already existing upscale, exclusive niche market.

The online matchmaking platform will have a pre-qualification process where prospective members apply and pay a one time $125 fee. This one time fee consists of two background checks, gives approved members a free 60 day trial with all member benefits available such as one on one video chat, automatic matching upon signing in, advanced member profiling and most important, Janis Spindel personally must approve all members.

The free online dating site will be launched mid January 2012 and once membership reaches 6,000, Janis will open the branded online matchmaking site.

The best part of the online matchmaking site is once members are approved, Janis only charges women $25 for each 3 months and men $300 for each 3 months membership.

As one can tell from this price structure, Janis will maintain her 21 year model of women are the database and men are the clients.

This is an incentive for the men to pay the highest fees of any online site has because they know that women will be on the site as they only pay $25 every 3 months.