Masters in Architecture & Design contest: Win up €16,000 in course fees - deadline 30 September 2010.

IED Master Madrid has launched a contest for professionals to win scholarships for Masters of Design and Innovation programs - be quick as it closes soon!

The IED was founded in 1966 as a private training institution dedicated to all facets of design: fashion, graphic design, motion graphics and 3d animation, interior design, industrial design, advertising and marketing. The innovative courses accommodate 1,400 students from around the world every year.

Masters of Design and Innovation: the most advanced courses at IED Master Madrid

Each Masters course includes workshops, study trips abroad, seminars, lectures and a research project that runs throughout the whole academic year. The four different programs are:

Master of European Design Labs
Master of Strategic Design Labs
Master of Communication Design Labs
Master of Product Design Labs

Davide Fichera, industrial designer and former student, says: "The main value of the Masters is its real quality training in the job world, thanks to the professionals around you throughout the course who participate in the workshops and seminars. I see a lot of what I learned in my daily experiences, thanks to the combination of academic and professional components."

At the end of the course each student present new products, services, strategies, communication concepts, spaces and systems that serve users, companies and society at large, in an unrivalled and innovative way.

How to enter:

Apply online for the Masters of Design and Innovation scholarships

FIRST PRIZE: Covers the cost of the course fees - up to €16,000

SECOND PRIZE: Covers 20% of the course fee for all programs.

For more information: please call +34 91 448 04 44, email or visit