Marine Vet Presidential Candidate Offers Vision for Nation

In an open letter to Independents, Conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, Rayna Gangi, the Woman Marine veteran running for President in 2012, offers a radical vision and solution to getting America back on track.

Nov 17, 2009 - "We were told a year ago," Gangi says,"that America was going to be radically transformed. What many voters didn't realize was that Barack Obama's idea of change was to transform America from a powerful, free-market Republic to a poor, third world thugocracy."
Ms. Gangi, a 59 year-old woman of Italian and Native American descent, announced her candidacy in October, knowing there was a long road ahead.
"We've seen the corruption and waste," she says." We've heard the repeated lies. We've witnessed the shredding of the Constitution. America can't and won't survive with more of the same."
Gangi has a vision and she is appealing to all those who are considering a run for the Presidency to think 'out-of-the-box'. "Forget Republicans and Democrats," she says. "Those parties and values no longer exist. Forget the rivalry that pits state against state and Americans against each other. We have serious problems that need new vision, and the courage to realize that vision."
Though the elections are still three years away, Gangi doesn't believe Americans will keep the present administration in office. She believes the people will find a way to either impeach Obama or have him legally removed from office."
"When that happens," she says, "A lot of people are going with him. We need to replace the entire bunch and do it using the strengths of those who aspire to the Presidency."
In a brief outline of her vision she said she'd ask Rudy Guilliani to take over as Attorney General and Haley Barbour to handle FEMA. She'd ask Mitt Romney to take over as Treasury Secretary and Ron Paul to handle the Federal Reserve.
"The American people are going to clean out Congress in 2010 1nd 2012," Gangi says. "I guarantee it. We'll have citizens, regular, hard-working, patriotic Americans in both the House and Senate. Palin should take over the department of energy and embrace the entire lower forty-eight and Bachmann should be Chief of Staff to ensure ethics and help clean up any leftover corruption. Congress can work from home for a while and send special interests packing."
Though she admits she has no coffers of money and no experience in National politics, she sees this more as a plus than a negative."
"Look," she says firmly. "The American people got caught sleeping and they voted for words and slick promises from a community organizer who trained and organized corrupt groups. They're awake now. If the 2008 election were held today, Obama would only garner votes from those looking for hand-outs. This is not Russia or Communist China. This is Ameria. My America."
Gangi has been a successful business owner, is an author, an educator and a broadcaster. She has experience in electronics, the computer industry and financial services.
On international affairs and the war against terror she says, "We need a strong Commander-in-Chief who has at least served in the military and understands the mission, a non-politician manager and teacher who can pull people together and get this country back on its feet. Am I electable? When people embrace the vision without all the ego, rhetoric, party politics and lies, they'll vote for the truth. so, yes I am"

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