March Is Stop Your Drama Month - An Annual Event Celebrated By Marlene Chism

Marlene Chism offers a new definition for drama: Drama is any obstacle to peace or prosperity. To kick off Stop Your Drama Month, Chism will offer a free teleseminar on March 2nd.

Every year in March we celebrate Stop Your Drama Month. Why March, you ask? Well...most of us are recovering from a very gray winter, with some moments of SAD or depression. We made New Year's Resolutions but we didn't keep them and we are rounding the bend to the first quarter. Many of us are recovering from overspending and over eating during the holidays and Valentine's day. Plus...besides Women's History Month and St. Patrick's Day, there isn't a lot of competition, so that is why March is Stop Your Drama Month.

Gossip, power struggles, anger outbursts, obsessive thoughts. These are all symptoms of drama, which quickly drains energy, dissolves personal relationships, and kills productivity and profit in the workplace.

Author of the newly released book, Stop Workplace Drama, Marlene Chism invites people to join in the celebration of Stop Your Drama Month by offering free gifts, surprises, and plenty of ways to participate.

To kick off Stop Your Drama Month, Chism will offer a free teleseminar on March 2nd. Where she will give an overview of her book, and the eight universal principles referred to as The Eight Steps of Empowerment.

"Where would you be without your drama, whether at home or on the job? What if you could get clear, without spending hours of time or thousands of dollars? How would you do it?" These are the questions tackled during this call.

"Every issue with drama or a lack of clarity in the workplace has a relationship component. If we can master our communication in our relationships, we can eliminate drama, understand our employees and peers better, and create an environment that thrives and profits," offers Marlene Chism.

Through her own life of reinvention, having moved from the factory floor to becoming a nationally-acclaimed speaker and consultant hired nationwide by groups like NASA and Sprint, Chism has identified the gap that drama and poor communication creates-a gap between where you are and where you want to be. Her clear, pragmatic approach eliminates the gap, and frees individuals and teams to fully engage in the lives they imagine no matter what their leadership role.

"Marlene Chism's no-drama approach is down-to-earth and effective, plus it's communicated with good humor and a very big heart," states Rick Hanson, Ph.D., author of Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom.

For more about Stop Your Drama Month, see