Managing Millennials : Blue Paper Available Now From 4imprint

(MANCHESTER, UK) - 'Managing Across the Generations - Millennials' is the latest Blue Paper from 4imprint, the promotional products distributor.

Free to download online, the Blue Paper talks about the changes that have taken place in the way firms recruit the Generation Y workforce.

With top employers like Google, Accenture, Tesco and IBM using online recruitment methods which include Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn they are clearly demonstrating that they understand that Generation Y (those born between the years 1980 and 1995) responds differently to mainstream media and marketing tactics than the older generation.

This Blue Paper dispels the myth of millennials as 'self-serving' or feeling that they are 'entitled' and explains how to attract, motivate and retain this enormous talent pool of some 76 million people. They are a generation who are task and results-driven, thriving on evaluation by performance, they reciprocate loyalty with employers; highly value work-life balance and place 'meaningful work' as a higher priority than earnings.

As Cheryl Jackson-Leafield, Marketing Manager of 4imprint UK points out: "Use of social networking and computers is second nature to this generation so it makes perfect sense to use these tools when looking to attract their attention as potential employees. They are a highly motivated bunch who grew up in an environment where everything was fast - from food to instant messaging and internet on their 'phone. And they're attracted to employers whose environment and values matches their own."

About Blue Papers
Blue Papers are in-depth, 'how-to' articles covering a variety of topics to help organisations to succeed. They are available to download free at