Makani Networks Forays into Mobile Advertising

The global market for mobile advertising is projected to grow more than US $10 billion in revenues by 2013.

Makani Networks, Inc., today announced plans for the development of a full spectrum of mobile marketing solutions, including display/banner advertising, textual, rich media, dynamic flash/video and custom programs through its Mobilizer mobile WAN optimization platform.

The Mobilizer platform currently offers mobile wireless operators and enterprises the best-in-class carrier-grade, commercial wireless infrastructure optimization solution offering optimized web browsing and video to their mobile subscribers.

The ad-serving technology to be incorporated into the Mobilizer platform targets the right audience with a proprietary mobile-specific dynamic targeting (or re-targeting) and ad serving scheme that maps behavior to discrete audience or contextual segments. In addition, the ad serving technology can track user behavior and inspect standard banner/textual ads from existing publishers, and, if required, dynamically replace these ads with user-specific or network-optimized ads for the particular benefit of a mobile end-user.

Advertisers or publishers can work either with in-house Makani AdsNetwork or with third-party vendors to develop ideas relevant to the brand as well as integrate measurement tools to gain a deep understanding of the campaign performance.