Major Decision - Season One Production Complete

CaerusPoint - an award-winning education-focused leader - recently completed filming and production of Season One of Major Decision: the thorough career guidance video series targeting high school seniors and first year college students.

ORLANDO, FL - CaerusPoint - an award-winning education-focused leader - recently completed filming and production of Season One of Major Decision: the thorough career guidance video series targeting high school seniors and first year college students.

Season One is the culmination of 20 total careers including careers like digital animator, mechanical engineer, architect, biomedical engineer, commercial banker, veterinarian, public relations manager, hotel manager and criminal defense attorney as well as many others.

"We completed our first two pilot episodes in April of this year, so to look back and realize how far we've come with our series is truly an accomplishment," said CaerusPoint President Chris Botha. "Our show format, comprehensive career coverage and proprietary career ranking system truly set our series apart from any other career guidance programs."

"With Season One in the can, our goal is to reach as many students as possible while we get ready to start filming and production of the next round of exciting careers," said CaerusPoint CEO Kobie Pieterse. "As we continue to film and meet milestones, the buzz and potential surrounding our Major Decision series is growing exponentially."

The Major Decision career guidance series offers students an accurate "day-in-the-life" depiction of a career in an exciting and positive platform in the form of an up-beat hosted show. It provides present-day, real world guidance from an expert within his or her area of expertise and is unlike anything on the market today. The series is entertaining while being fact filled and appeals to a diverse audience.

The series will ultimately span twelve popular industries and showcase up to five careers within each industry. Shot in high definition and targeting a broad diverse audience, the series is geared toward television broadcasting as well as conducive to being built easily into any classroom's curriculum.

Some of the key goals of the Major Decision series are to promote promising and fulfilling careers; spark an interest in today's youth for continued education; properly educate the audience on the realities of the selected careers; facilitate smarter career decisions; decrease the drop-out rate; reduce the number of years it takes to complete a degree; cut down on wasteful educational spending; and to improve college enrollment, placement and rankings.


Each Major Decision episode, delivered through state-of-the-art mediums (including web streaming; TV broadcasting; iPhone/iPad Apps; and DVD's), is comprised of three integral segments and spans less than a half hour. In segment one, two young and energetic co-hosts introduce the selected career path while in-studio. Together, they discuss the featured career and explain where it fits into the career hierarchy for the specific industry represented. To visualize their hierarchy explanation, an animated graphic chart is displayed for the viewer.

During segment two, one of the hosts conducts a 1:1 in-depth on site interview with an individual currently in the featured career. During the course of the interview, the viewer will hear first hand what this career entails such as education requirements, work environment, work-life balance, tools of the trade, etc. In addition to the 1:1 interview the host also visually shadows the interviewee, featuring the employee in his/her work environment performing typical daily tasks.

Segment three is an in-studio recap session regarding what the viewer has just learned, as well as animated digital graphic charts summarizing and ranking the career based on a proprietary 15-point career ranking system utilizing different weighted criteria.

The show has an extemporaneous style that is both humorous and lively, yet remaining factual and educational. The two hosts play off each other and keep the viewers attention, as confirmed by separate high school and college focus group sessions.

CaerusPoint recently took home an unprecedented 11 awards including 'Best Education Program' at the 21st Annual Crystal Reel Awards Gala held by the Florida Motion Picture and Television Association (FMPTA) for their Major Decision series.

For more information on CaerusPoint's award-winning career guidance video series Major Decision, visit; or contact Mark Jerkins at Higher Advertising, Inc., email:; phone: 407.447.1340.