Mainstream Promotions, Inc. on Finding Excellent Career Fits

There's a reason everyone on the Mainstream Promotions, Inc. team is happy. As the interactive marketing firm's managers suggest, these associates were selected because they fit perfectly with the company culture.

“We have an outstanding recruitment and interview process,” noted Yulma, Mainstream Promotions, Inc.’s president. “Our interviewers are masters of delving deep with questions that extract a wealth of information about a candidate’s professional goals, as well as his or her ability to work well with others. We seek team players who are career focused because they tend to be incredibly motivated.”

Yulma defined career focused by Mainstream Promotions, Inc.’s terms. “Someone who is career-minded has a goal for where he or she wants to be five or 10 years down the road,” she said. “Therefore, the individual is motivated to make the most of his or her role. We provide a career advancement track to reward hard-working team members with promotions. Not a lot of companies do that in this job market.”

"It's more than just hiring someone who is career oriented,"

Yulma, President

“It’s more than just hiring someone who is career oriented,” Yulma added. “It’s important that a promotion is also a good fit for an individual’s personality. Not everyone is cut out for interactive marketing. This field requires people to be highly personable and even stretch their comfort zones. We hire growth-minded workers who are willing to learn and not afraid to try new things.”

Mainstream Promotions, Inc.s President Describes Career Fitness

As Yulma noted, job seekers should carefully consider what their intended career paths will be before they apply for positions. “Begin by asking yourself what really interests you,” she shared. “Think about what projects or tasks you can spend hours doing and not even realize the time has passed. Now ask yourself how you can make a career out of it. This is one of the questions our Mainstream Promotions, Inc. managers ask candidates: “Do you see yourself growing in this field?” If you can honestly answer yes, it’s worth pursuing. If you’re hesitant, listen to your gut.”

“Career fitness means playing to your strengths,” Yulma continued. “If you’re strong in math and you enjoy crunching numbers, find a career that allows you an opportunity to do that kind of work. Set a path from where you want to start to where you want to go, identifying what skills you’ll need to acquire along the way.”

Yulma concluded, “The best part about life is it’s a journey. You may encounter obstacles along the way that cause you to change course, but as long as you’re continually learning and growing, you’re succeeding.”

About Mainstream Promotions, Inc.

Mainstream Promotions, Inc. is a full-service marketing and consulting firm. The team of brand ambassadors uses interactive sales promotions to help companies enter new markets. They employ unique outreach channels that produce notable results. Their approach creates engaging brand experiences. With these, Mainstream Promotions, Inc. builds strong links between the products they promote and targeted consumers. Thanks to its history of success, the firm has built a large product portfolio, including firms ranging from startups to global brands. To learn more about how the team empowers business growth, visit