Mainstream Promotions, Inc. Leader Speaks at National Event

Yulma R., the president of Mainstream Promotions, Inc., gave the keynote address at a recent conference. This was her first invitation to speak in front of such a large group, and she was honored to share her knowledge.

​The high achievers at Mainstream Promotions, Inc. recently traveled to a national conference. According to Yulma, these quarterly events give those who qualify a chance to learn from and share best practices with some of the most accomplished individuals in the trade. Qualifying associates also spend a great deal of time expanding their networks with people from across the U.S. and Canada, developing their contact lists and friendships during these invigorating weekends.

This quarter, Yulma was asked to give the conference’s keynote speech. “It was a huge honor to be given this opportunity,” the president shared. “I’ve never spoken to such a big audience, and what was even more intimidating was how much all of them know about our industry. I really wanted to dig deep and make sure I gave everyone some knowledge to take home with them. Fortunately, some amazing things have been happening at the firm lately, so I had plenty of relevant material to share.”

"It was a huge honor to be given this opportunity,"

Yulma , President

Mainstream Promotions, Inc.s President on Why Being A Keynote Speaker Is Important

While it’s a huge pat on the back, Yulma feels there are more significant reasons that speaking in front of peers is important. “Especially as a business leader, it’s common to be asked to speak in public, but the benefits of doing so to the speaker aren’t always known,” she stated. “However, there are very good reasons a frontrunner should jump at the chance to present information.”

First, the president said that speaking at a conference like this one gave her the opportunity to receive feedback from more experienced peers on the knowledge she shared. Rather than make 10 contacts and learn from them individually, she thinks giving a talk encouraged those who can help her grow to seek her out.

Also, speaking at a conference allowed her to brag about her team. “I’m the president, but there’s no way I’m alone in making Mainstream Promotions, Inc. the success it is today,” Yulma confessed. Being on stage, she continued, allowed her to represent her team and give them much-deserved credit for the company’s success.

Finally, being a keynote speaker enabled her to raise her own profile and the reputation of everyone at Mainstream Promotions, Inc., which in turn can create a number of different opportunities. “For example, when other leaders want to trade some people for cross-training purposes, we’ll be the first group that comes to mind. This sets us up for new business relationships and the chance to travel and learn what works in different markets.”

About Mainstream Promotions, Inc.

Mainstream Promotions, Inc. is a full-service marketing and consulting firm. The team of brand ambassadors uses interactive sales promotions to help companies enter new markets. They employ unique outreach channels that produce notable results. Their approach creates engaging brand experiences. With these, Mainstream Promotions, Inc. builds strong links between the products they promote and targeted consumers. Thanks to its history of success, the firm has built a large product portfolio, including firms ranging from startups to global brands. To learn more about how the team empowers business growth, visit