Mainstream Promotions Builds Team at Conference, Sets Goals

Qualifying Mainstream Promotions associates recently returned from a leadership conference in Texas. The firm's Director used the weekend to bring her team closer together, network, and reaffirm company goals.

  “We recently attended the quarterly conference in Dallas, and the team had a blast!” stated Yulma R., Director of Operations for Mainstream Promotions. “There were industry leaders from across North America to learn from and network with, and it gave us a chance to review and adjust our personal and company-wide objectives. However, the greatest benefit was simply the chance to get to know one another better. I feel it’s important to use these events as not only an opportunity for networking and realigning your goals, but also as a chance to bond with your team.”

Cultivating an environment that encourages unity and collaboration is vital for Mainstream Promotions’ continuing success, Yulma asserted. Only by working together can the firm’s talented crew members continue to create the head-turning initiatives that attract consumers and raise brand awareness. The Director prioritizes activities and events that help to create this ethos of teamwork, such as sponsoring weekly team nights and getting the firm involved with local charities, but business travel is by far one of the most effective team-building strategies at her disposal.

"Some companies consider business travel as an expense, but I look at it as an investment in team building,"

Yulma, Director of Operations

“Some companies consider business travel as an expense, but I look at it as an investment in team building,” Yulma declared. “You can almost see colleagues coming closer together when they get away from the office, and the effort of surviving and thriving in a completely different city creates a bond that can last a lifetime. Mix in the knowledge gained, best practices shared, and contacts made at an event like the one in Dallas, and you’ve got super-charged teammates who are ready to conquer any goal they’ve ever set. More importantly, they’re ready to do it together.”

Goals Keep Mainstream Promotions Moving Forward in the Right Direction                                              

Building a team that functions as a cohesive unit is a worthwhile goal in and of itself, but Yulma also uses goals to make sure her collaborative group is making progress toward specific targets. The status quo is not something that the Director has in mind for Mainstream Promotions; rather, she encourages both creativity and growth.

“Fruit that is ripe is also rotting,” Yulma explained. “I’d rather be green and growing. That means maintaining a growth mind-set and continually looking for ways to expand our services and operations. Setting individual, group, and company-wide goals is the best way I know to accomplish this. Goals allow us to measure our progress, determine our direction, and work together smoothly. If you’re serious about building a team, and want to make the most of a business conference, then you’ve got to have goals for your crew to rally around.”

About Mainstream Promotions, Inc.

Mainstream Promotions, Inc. is a full-service marketing and consulting firm. The team of brand ambassadors uses interactive sales promotions to help companies enter new markets. They employ unique outreach channels that produce notable results. Their approach creates engaging brand experiences. With these, Mainstream Promotions, Inc. builds strong links between the products they promote and targeted consumers. Thanks to its history of success, the firm has built a large product portfolio, including firms ranging from startups to global brands. To learn more about how the team empowers business growth, visit

Source: Mainstream Promotions