MagentoCRUX Advance Shop By: Magento Ecommerce Extension For Product & Sales Promotion At Online Stores, next generation provider of Magento solutions, themes and add-ons has developed Advance Shop By, a Magento extension for Product Promotion and Online Sales that enables web retailers to draw attention to their premier products.

MagentoCRUX Advance Shop By is a resourceful ecommerce extension created by Maven Store for web shops running on Magento. Advance Shop By helps online retailers effectively drive visitors' attention to their best and most profitable products and boost revenues by arousing, attracting and capturing prospects' interest in selected products. This extension increases time spent by visitors to the web shop, at the same time reducing chances of aimless surfing.

MagentoCRUX Advance Shop By is an amalgamation of nifty modules that individually perform tasks geared toward a particular online sales promotion tactic. New Arrivals, Most Viewed, Most Sold, Most Reviewed, Most Rated, Most Tagged, Absolute Free, Editors' Picks, Clearance and Great Offers are the plugins that make up the Advance Shop By system. There is a tabbed block usage system for easy placement on the home page. All feature labels appear on product listing pages as well. Moreover, each product that qualifies for highlighting displays an icon that says whether it's one of the "most sold" or a "new arrival" and so on.

Advance Shop By is a Magento Web Administrator's delight. It is easy to install and run. It is seamlessly integrated with CMS blocks. Options and sub-modules can be instantly enabled or disabled. Further, it is highly scalable and there is no limit to the number of products that can be sorted or categorized by any sub-module of Advance Shop By.

On the actual Magento web store, Advance Shop By is transparent as an extension and gels into the categorized layout of any retail e-store. There is a tabbed layout that sorts products by ten different criteria-New Arrivals, Most Viewed, Most Sold, Most Reviewed, Most Rated, Most Tagged, Absolute Free, Editors' Picks, Clearance and Great Offers. Navigation choices can be displayed on the header, footer and side panels of the home page and landing pages alike. Comprehensive back-end management settings let web store administrators emphasize their key products.

Advance Shop By also passes on the advantages to shoppers and customers. Visitors to the website get a quick idea of which are the top-selling products, which products have been reviewed and rated, what everyone is buying and what people are saying about the products. Their attention is directed to price discounts and clearance offers. Navigation and checkout becomes straightforward.

For more information and downloading the MagentoCRUX Advance Shop By Magento Extension:

Here is a detailed breakdown of the modules that comprise MagentoCRUX Advance Shop By:

1. New Arrivals
The New Arrivals plugin offers a simplified way to showcase products newly added to the website. There is also an option to select the exact duration for which new arrivals are displayed.

2. Most Viewed
The Most Viewed addon automatically generates a list of the products with the highest views. Both the merchant and the customers gather valuable data about the most popular and visited products. All products are displayed in descending order of views.

3. Most Sold
Most Sold automatically displays a list of the store's best selling products, showing essential data about the highest revenue-generating items. All products are displayed in descending order of sale.

4. Most Reviewed
Those products which are talked about and which the customer makes an effort to review are the ones on which retailers should concentrate. Most Reviewed not only enables e-store owners to get this critical business advantage but also provides customers with the views of other customers about the "in" products.

5. Most Rated
The popular products in your site will be naturally be rated by many visitors. The Most Rated module points out potential best-sellers. Visitors and potential customers will be able to see what items others have rated, what ratings they've been given, and make decisions whether to buy or not.

6. Most Tagged
Most Tagged presents you with ideal information on what customers think about products with a quick option to tag them. Well-liked products will be tagged most and this little addon organizes these products by order of high tagging rate.

7. Absolute Free
The Absolute Free plugin works well in conjunction with promotions and offers. Customers' attention is immediately drawn to those products with Zero Price-in other words, FREE! It is assumed that the Magento site is configured for Zero Price. This also enables the store manager to keep an eye on the success rate of the promotion and how fast the inventory is moving.

8. Editor's Pick
Editor's Pick is an indispensable choice for stores selling books, DVDs, movies and offering software downloads among others. The Editors Pick module allows selected display of flagship or vital products by setting a simple attribute in the Magento Admin Panel.

9. Clearance Discount
Clearance Discount displays as an attribute in the Magento Admin Panel. A discount percentage can be set on clearance items and these go on to display at the frontend. Further, this attribute can be used as a base to set special prices according to your catalog price rules.

10. Great Offers
The Great Offers addon shows all discounted items in one place. It also gives the option to sort offers according to the extent of the discount. Web retailers can rest assured that customers are informed of all the bargains the store has to offer.

Maven Store ( is an initiative of Maven Infosoft to provide specialized e-commerce services, extensions, plug-ins, add-ons, themes, layouts and templates for web shops and covering all aspects of online retail. MagentoCRUX is a subset of Maven Store that caters to web shops built on Magento, the world's fastest evolving web commerce platform.

Through MagentoCRUX, Maven Store aims to sell useful web application modules that will facilitate product import and insertion, connections to a large number of payment gateways and shipping services with a few basic programming changes. The modular structure of the code will allow web administrators to upgrade their Magento installation to include more features while retaining existing customizations.

Maven Infosoft also assists online retailers in requirement based development, store optimization, SEO and web-store branding.