Mad Web SEO Follows Google And Facebook Lead To Become More Energy Efficient

Mad Web SEO follows Google and Facebook lead to become more energy efficient.

The electricity needed to power the Internet has grown more than 10% a year for the last decade. This now accounts for about 2% of all electricity consumed in the United States. The Internet uses more electricity in America than the auto industry uses to make cars and trucks. Google and Facebook have both reduced their energy consumption up to 40%. Mad Web SEO is following in their footsteps by driving more efficient company cars, creating office awareness and renewable energy.

Mad Web SEO has decreased their energy consumption by implementing an office awareness program. By just turning off all office equipment at night, energy consumption has decreased significantly. Mad Web SEO has also upgraded their company cars to cleaner and more efficient brands. "We are working to become a paperless office along with recycling all materials possible." states Klepper, owner.

Mad Web SEO is looking at renewable energy sources such as solar power for a big chunk of energy needs. "By being based out of Florida, we feel we need to take advantage of our sunny days.", states Klepper. Mad Web is one of the many forward thinking companies working to reverse the global energy crisis.

Mad Web SEO is a search engine marketing, optimization and networking company based out of Fort Myers, FL. Mad Web strives for less clients, lower cost and quicker results. More information can be found online at .