M. Marie Walker's New Book 'My House' is a Riveting Novel That Weaves a Tale About a Clash of Hearts, of Lies; Between Three Close Families

Fulton books author M. Marie Walker, a graduate in Creative Writing, has completed her most recent book "My House": a gripping novella that follows the drama of families who are dragged into waves of endless deception and chaos. Will they be able to fix the problems that are continuously pulling them apart?

Walker writes, "Delve into the melodramatic lives of three close-knit families, caught in a web of lies, deceit, and betrayal in book 1 of the My House Series.

It's always been just me and my two younger siblings… well, and our best friends… and our mom, before she was taken from us. As for our sperm donor, he can rot in prison for the rest of his miserable life for all I care. Anyway, did I mention I'm also married? Yeah well, I'm married, and we've also been separated for over a year now. Times got hard, I was stressed and well I… I don't really wanna get into that right now. I just wanna live a drama-free life with my family and friends, but I guess that's asking for too much… FML.

Mike Harmon, successful business owner, eldest of two younger siblings, Marlon and MyIesha, and currently in a failing marriage with his, now, separated wife, Jakyra… is complicated to say the least. After a year, Jakyra returns, but not without conflict… conflict that could have been avoided if Mike hadn't lied in the first place. Now, with Jakyra back in his life, past mistakes resurface, regret settles deep, and guilt constantly plagues him, but so is the lingering deep-seated love he still has for her. Even though Mike hopes for a second chance, the first domino, that he so carelessly began, has fallen, and the effects of his actions has caused a downward spiral that he has no idea how to stop. Throw in kidnapping, lies, infidelity, fighting, and secrets, and you have a recipe for disaster. Mike's found himself in the middle of a shitstorm of drama that he was most definitely trying to avoid.

'I don't want to come between you and your brother, if that's what you think? I just want to be a part of the family again. I ask that you forgive me, and please don't be upset with Mike.' MyIesha pointed in Jakyra's face and rudely stated,

'Oh, believe me bitch, you couldn't take my place if you tried. And you will never, EVER be a part of this family again, do you hear me? NEVER! And you can take that apology and shove it up your ass!'

Mike stopped her before she went any further. He'd become infuriated as he slapped her hand out of Jakyra's face. Getting in between Jakyra and his fuming sister, he bellowed.

'Stop MyIesha! That's enough!'"

Published by Fulton Books, M. Marie Walker's book will reveal what dirty laundry and skeletons are hidden in everyone's closets. Definitely, this read holds an intriguing drama of broken relationships and messy wars between families that are yet to be fixed—or never at all.

Readers who wish to experience this great work can purchase "My House" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Source: Fulton Books