Lynx Innovations Stresses Negotiation Skills and Likability

The director of operations at Lynx Innovations discussed the importance of negotiation skills and making a good first impression with potential partners. He also highlighted some essential traits of highly likable people.

​The executive team at Lynx Innovations understands how important negotiation skills are in a competitive market. “We realize that companies have many options when it comes to spreading the word about their brands,” stated Grant, the firm’s director of operations. “It is critical that our team members know how to make a good first impression with potential business partners so they are able to strike deals that benefit everyone.”

Grant and the firm’s leaders emphasize setting a positive tone for any negotiation right from the start. The director stated, “If you focus on the gains that both you and the other party are able to make, you have a much better chance of coming to an agreement. We encourage our associates to establish a welcoming environment by doing so.”

"If you focus on the gains that both you and the other party are able to make, you have a much better chance of coming to an agreement."

Grant, Director of Operations

The strategic use of pronouns also plays a significant role in an effective negotiation. Grant explained, “It’s much better to use the words we and us when trying to reach a working agreement. For one thing, it focuses the other person’s attention on the mutual benefits. More than that, using these pronouns suggests a collaborative atmosphere, which is a great way to launch a meaningful relationship.”

Lynx Innovations Highlights Shared Traits of the Most Likable People

People want to do business with those who are likable, and the leaders at Lynx Innovations understand this. “We remind our people to be complimentary when meeting potential business partners,” Grant noted. “When you demonstrate vulnerability and avoid treating every interaction as a competition, people gravitate toward you. I want our people to feel comfortable being themselves and admitting when they don’t have the answers.”

Grant also urges his team members to look for agreement wherever possible. He said, “It doesn’t do much good to challenge a potential partner’s ideas, so we always look for common ground first. When appropriate, I think it’s fine to gently share an opposing view. However, trying to reach an agreement for a bold new campaign is much easier if you have the foundation of a productive agreement in place.”

Likable people listen more than they talk, so Grant reminds his associates to ask open-ended questions while they pay close attention to new contacts’ answers. “People love to talk about themselves,” he concluded. “When you give them the luxury of doing so, you allow the negotiation to get off to a good start. That’s how you set the stage for lasting connections.”

About Lynx Innovations

Lynx Innovations specializes in the design and launch of experiential promotions that guarantee long-lasting, measurable results. The firm’s marketing managers ensure greater brand awareness, consumer loyalty, and impressive market share growth through their unique advertising format which connects consumers to their clients more effectively than conventional methods. They make this happen by conducting thorough research and analysis, and by utilizing unique means of communication that facilitate personal connections with target audiences. The company’s implementation of a progressive training program ensures that new associates are fully prepared to increase revenue on behalf of represented brands. A commitment to its core values sets Lynx Innovations apart from its competitors, and as a result, the team continues to enable their clients to excel.