LuxeGetaways Magazine's Premier Issue Launches

The premier issue of LuxeGetaways Magazine launches this week, providing an exciting new digital magazine experience for those passionate about today's international travel opportunities.
LuxeGetaways Magazine | Fall 2016

​Destination World Media is pleased to announce the launch of the premier issue of LuxeGetaways Magazine (FALL 2016). The full issue is available at; as well as several of today’s leading digital newsstands including Magzter, PressReader and ISSUU – making the Fall 2016 Issue easily accessible to a combined audience of more than 300 million subscribers and visitors associated with these distribution outlets.

Taking the time to get to know the readers, and collectively looking at all of the current and upcoming trends available today, this issue is a diverse collection of travel opportunities across the globe. The Fall Issue includes a culinary escape in London, an adventure through Zimbabwe, luxury getaways throughout Hawaii and Europe, a family guide to Beverly Hills, an in-depth look at the cruise industry, train travel in Switzerland, interviews with travel agents and hotel concierges, a hotel and restaurant guide to Washington, DC, and a number of other travel and lifestyle features that appeals to today’s savvy travelers.

Believing strongly in the “high-low” approach to travel, LuxeGetaways makes a point to feature both luxury and value-driven travel options so that readers can plan their getaways with a combination of splurges and value. With this honest approach to travel that appeals to today’s intelligent travelers, LuxeGetaways’ readers include the retired Baby Boomers and wired Millennials — all who are in search of their next great getaway.

“With the website continuing to see thousands of visitors daily, we are pleased to now be launching the quarterly magazine this season to highlight additional travel options available today,” said Damon Banks, Editor at LuxeGetaways Magazine. “While we do look forward to adding print copies with our distribution partners in the future, we are extremely excited with all of the digital opportunities available to us now via our outstanding digital distribution partners that enhance the LuxeGetaways Magazine experience for both our advertisers and readers.”

LuxeGetaways brings a unique vision of today’s travel lifestyle to readers, and showcases these many experiences and trends that can inspire them to think outside of the box and push their boundaries to discover a whole new world of travel. Advertising inquiries can be directed to — Media Kit available upon request.

About Magzter

Magzter is the world’s fastest growing digital newsstand with 30+million users in 212 countries; and distributes LuxeGetaways Magazine’s quarterly issues on most international mobile devices via Apple, Google Play, Kindle Fire, Nook and Amazon.

About PressReader

PressReader delivers LuxeGetaways to a massive global audience of more than 300+million people, including access to full issues via 8,400 HotSpots that are sponsored by hotels, airport lounges, airlines, cruise lines, cafés, libraries, corporate offices and more.


ISSUU is a modern digital newsstand that connects LuxeGetaways Magazine with more than 100 million monthly visitors. As the industry’s leading digital publishing platform, ISSUU also delivers over 5 billion page views each month.

Source: LuxeGetaways Magazine

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About LuxeGetaways Magazine

LuxeGetaways Magazine is a guide for those with a passion to travel in style...

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Washington, DC
