Luther Wiliamson and the International Day of Persons with Disability
Online, September 16, 2013 ( - Around 15% of the worlds population, or one billion people, live with disabilities. People are often unaware of the great number of persons living with disabilities around the world and the challenges they face each day.
International Day of Persons with Disability (December 3) is an international observance promoted by the United Nations since 1992. It has been celebrated with varying degrees of success around the planet. The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of all types of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities.
Luther Williamson, the then MD of Johannesburg City Parks took it upon himself to get involved and make an impact on the lives of people with disabilities. Luther recognizes these disabled individuals as positive contributors to society, who should be acknowledged more in society.
The event started positively with many loyal supporters of the cause showing up, delighted faces of the present disabled persons then ensued. The event was a huge success from the beginning till the end, just as was envisioned by Luther Williamson.
People who believe in society as a whole, people like Luther is what this country needs. Johannesburg is the largest man made forest in the world for a reason, and the reason is getting the communities across South Africa involved in creating parks for all walks of life. These initiatives are powered by people with a passion to uplift the community, people such as the trailblazers of Johannesburg South Africa, people such as Luther Williamson.