Louisiana Child Suvivor Anniversry
Online, November 10, 2013 (Newswire.com) - THIS IS HER STORY.Raised in Elmer louisiana she was the daughter of augustus and valerie darvell VanAsselberg the adventisit worship of Satan.
Released an amazing story of a 16 year old little girl Blanche Latriece Vanasselberg of elmer Louisiana ,...Who since age 4 endured such abuse like posioning's reported from Rapides General Hospital 38 times which has caused 18 major surgeries,..which almost claimed her life over 30 times,...She has been bull-whipped as in the south it is a device that is used to beat and train horses,.and so much more that we are not allowed to release at this time,..A statement from her mother said,...'She is a curse from god and her religion an active SATINIST,...Says she deserves all she got and i will make sure that she dies even if not by my own hand the blood line stops with her.'she remains that when she is released she will kil her own daughter... This is truly a sadistic woman. This is an unreal story that has made NATIONAL NEWS,...Her brother,her sister,and her mother are currently in jail in RAPIDES PARISH ,...Louisiana,.. Latriece Vanasselberg age 16 remains in critical condition in and unknown location at a local hospital. She was shot with a .38 caliber hangun at short blank range,..and was stabbed by a 12 inch butcher knife 8 times by her own sister,... 3 times in her head and 5 times in her stomach and back,...She wa strangled by her sister these are the siblings she vowd to protect. She has protected her siblings from the abuse and they turned on her.This little girl managed to escape and crawl 8 miles while hands and feet were bound through the woods to get help. She finally arrived a the home of the wilson sisters and knocked on their door with her head.
. This little girl was able to tell what happened to her and who the assailants were they called 911 and it took 20 miutes for help to arrive.She is one specail little girl we ask the WORLD TO PRAY . The world watches and prays for this teenage girl,..Our hearts go out to her and her Grandmother,...at this terrible time,....It is said by her team of doctor's,..that she will not survive,..and the rapides hospital has called her local priest to give the last rites. She has lost half of her blood and only weighs 41 pounds.. This is the worst case of abuse and attempted murder Louisiana Local Authorties have her seen.,...A candle light vigil is being held at tunk's Cypress inn a family owned resturant in alexandria louisiana,...There are alteast 5000 people from all over the united states gathered there who have never met this amazing young girl,..We pray and will be following this story as it contiues,...,
They will continue the vigil for 25 days. This is amazing and wonderful how strangers have come from all over to pray for the child, We have just been informed that she has lapsed into a comma and is not expected to live through out the night,..It has been reported that her body was covered in over 150 brusies and had no toe nails or finger nails on her hands and feet,..She has 2 gun shot wounds to her head and 1 shotgun wound to her stomach and has been cut and stabbed over 85 percent of her body. Her surgery lasted about 18hours,..Her kidney and spleen and stomach was removed and her linning of her stomach was replaced ,.She has sweeling of her brain and specialist from all over have agreed to fly in and perform surgery for no caost. Her blood type is the rarest only 2 percent of he worlds population have it RH-NEG-With an AB POS interger..THE WORLD IS PRAYING FOR YOU..We will report to you as we recieve news of her latest condition. Her father was found shot to death in his bed.. Latriece Vanasselberg Thompson has overcome what most of us cannot imagine SHE IS THE FIRST AND ONLY FEMALE FBI FEDERAL AGENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE FEDERAL SECURTIES DIVISION TO BE ACCEPTED AS THE LOUISIANA FEDERAL SPECIAL AGENT ASSESSOR IN THE TRI STATE AREA INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE..'. HONORS' HER AND WE APPLAUD MS. THOMPSON SHE IS PROOF THAT NO MATTER WHAT ADVERSITIES U COME UP AGAINST IN LIFE.. OR WHAT OR WHERE U WERE RAISED U CAN BE ANYTHING U DESIRE.... SHE IS THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION IS HONORED TO AWARD FEDERAL SPECIAL AGENT ASSESSOR THOMPSON IS PRESENTED THE HIGHEST ACHIEVMENT AWARD OF BRAVERY:..fbi: