Louis Cotto's New Book 'Nikkaria' Unravels an Eye-Opening Tale Into the Distant Future Where Humanity Faces the Repercussions of Their Actions

Fulton Books author, Louis Cotto, a brilliant author, has completed his most recent book "Nikkaria": a riveting narrative that plays with time and space as it brings a journey to the future. It will explore the adversities plaguing the twenty-second century which roots from mankind's actions in the twenty-first. What is earth in the year 2123? Will it be the same as it was a century ago?

Cotto shares, "Based in the distant future of 2123, the story jumps right into the trials and tribulations of this era. It's described as what will come upon humanity as we continue moving forward during the present time of the twenty-first century.

Nikkaria fluctuates to and fro between the present time, near, and distant future.

As the story continues, it leaves various cliff-hangers and jumps into different events and tales to form one huge annex combining the narrative into one circumstance."

Published by Fulton Books, Louis Cotto's brilliant manuscript is a tale that will run across different points in time as it shows readers various situations at how the world is and will become. It's a peek into the future generations if the present continues to live the way they are living today.

Readers who wish to experience this gripping work can purchase "Nikkaria" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books