"Look Good, Feel Better" Program Through American Cancer Society, Helps Women 's Beauty Shine Inside And Out

The American Cancer Society pairs with Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada to help woman always feel beautiful.

Being diagnosed with cancer is never easy for anyone. Regardless of your age, gender or background it can be an uncertain and vulnerable time for everyone in the household. For women especially this can take a toll. Women love to feel pretty from head to toe and who does not appreciate a good makeover right? Unfortunately, when a person is diagnosed with cancer their whole life changes inside and out. From the way they feel in the morning to the way they look. Even women who once spent 5 minutes in front of the mirror, dabbing on a touch of makeup and heading out the door now find themselves in a suddenly different situation. Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada (CCCN) are showing women that a cancer diagnosis does not mean the end of your beauty and that you can portray a glowing appearance even during what can be a difficult time of your life.

Recovering from an illness is not only physical, but also a mental revival. This means even though it will be a struggle, patients need to stay in the best of spirits during their treatments. Being able to smile and stay lighthearted during the process will place less stress on your body after a chemotherapy treatment in Las Vegas and much less pressure on your family as well. This is why the "Look Good, Feel Better" program was created for the brave patients of Nevada. The program through the American Cancer Society is held each month at Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada at three CCCN locations. During these sessions, not only can women bond and make friendships, but also learn how to better present themselves. The sessions include, but are not limited to makeup application, treating dry skin, addressing discolored nails and choosing the correct headpieces. The program was developed from the concept that if someone with cancer can be helped to "look good," their improved self-esteem will help them to approach their disease and treatment with greater confidence; hence, "feel better."

For more information on the "Look Good, Feel Better" program or to find a participating cancer center close to you visit http://www.cccnevada.com. You can also call Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada at (702) 952- 3400 to learn more about their complete list of patient resources.

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