Longshot Shirts For Your Tall, Strappin' Valentine

Longshot Apparel, a new online retailer, offering ready-to-wear shirts for the 6'1 to 6'8" tall, slender man.

When it comes to buying apparel for a tall, fit man the options are limited. Historically brands have addressed the mass audience (short and portly) and have all but forgotten the taller, slender niche. Finally there is a brand that can make shopping for a tall, fit man a whole lot easier. Longshot Apparel, a new online retailer, offering ready-to-wear shirts for the 6'1 to 6'8" tall, slender man. Shipping is always free and the Longshot customer service is impeccable. The brand offers two sleeve lengths to ensure that the customer can roll up his sleeves because he wants to, not because he has to.

Longshot Apparel was started by three entrepreneurs who were frustrated with ill-fitting shirts for tall, fit men. The partners, along with a designer, pattern maker and size grader reinvented a pattern that is proportionally accurate for someone who is tall and fit, opposed to Big and Tall. All shirts are made in American from Thomas Mason Italian fabric. Longshot Apparel, whose motto is "Taking the Big out of Big and Tall" also offers a smart, entertaining and witty blog that addresses all topics pertaining to tall.

Longshot apparel is an online only brand and can be found at www.longshotapparel.com, free ground shipping is part of the superior customer service the brand offers. "Isn't it about time we start treating the tall, fit man with the respect he's due?" says Mark Tindall, one of Longshot Apparel's tall founders.

About Longshot Apparel

Longshot Apparel
1000 N Northlake Way, Seattle WA
Seattle, WA
