Logix9: Google and Government Come Together to Build Online Presence of Small Businesses

In response to Sen. Olympia Snowe's effort to boost small business exposure in Maine, Google hosted a seminar on website design. Logix9 commends this focus and encourages other small businesses to take advantage of online marketing tactics.

According to a recent NBC report, 58 percent of American small businesses do not have a website. In today's modern world, these statistics may seem shocking, but in fact, many established business owners explain that building an online presence seems challenging and confusing. In an effort to reduce these concerns, Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) asked Google to host a seminar to educate her constituents on the process of building a company website. Logix9, a company that specializes in online marketing education, commends this partnership and hopes that it will encourage more business owners to seek out e-commerce development.

According to the Small Business Administration, more than 97 percent of Maine's employers are small business owners - 59 percent of those do not even have a website. In the article, Senator Snowe comments on these figures and why it is necessary for companies to address online growth. She states, "Small businesses are, certainly, our economy. They're our lifeblood and our heart and soul. And so when you have so many businesses that do not have an online presence, not having websites, that is clearly putting them in a position of being less competitive."

As Google hosted a one-day seminar, many entrepreneurs realized the worth of having an online presence and building a website. Logix9 notes that getting small business owners to welcome online marketing strategies is a major step forward, but that sometimes it takes more than a website to sustain or increase revenue. In fact, Logix9 states that many of the businesses in Maine may find that they already have an online presence in the form of review sites, such as Yelp or TripAdvisor.com. It is a thorough understanding of online marketing that will help sway attention from these sites and bring customers back to the original source - the information that the company provides.

According to Logix9, the goal of online marketing is to understand every facet of e-commerce and to use them to encourage a wider consumer base. Using online tools, Logix9 clients can learn how to conduct search engine optimization, analyze Google AdWords and create Twitter and Facebook accounts to interact with consumers. These advanced online marketing efforts can help individuals drive traffic to newly-created company websites. In addition the company adds in a recent press statement, "Logix9 teaches small business owners how to become a part of the very active online community. Not only does our curriculum offer insight on evolving marketing strategies, but it also provides a way for companies to stay relevant - a factor that is essential in today's commerce."


Logix9 is an online educational resource for business owners who want to learn how to make a strong impression on the Internet. The website focuses on the individual student and forms a curriculum with help from some of the most experienced professionals in the e-commerce industry. Based on the latest developments in technology and online marketing, the online resource offers assistance in areas such as web design, social media, domain names, HTML coding and more.

To learn more about how Logix9 can help you, visit www.logix9.com.