Loftware Print Server® V10.0 Acheives GS1 US Certification

After 10 years working alongside GS1 US, Loftware attains certification for Loftware Print Server v10.0.

Loftware, the global leader in Enterprise Lifecycle Printing (ELP) software has successfully achieved the highly acclaimed GS1 Certification for the Loftware Print Server® v10.0. As a long-time GS1 US Solution Partner, Loftware has worked alongside GS1 for over 10 years supporting the international GS1 standards and guidelines for barcode label printing. Attaining GS1 US Certification of Loftware Print Server 10.0 underscores the ongoing commitment to offer customers support for the latest compliance standards they have grown to expect from Loftware.

GS1, an international non-profit association, is dedicated to the design and implementation of global standards and solutions to improve the efficiency, visibility, and supply and demand within supply chains. The rigorous standards maintained by GS1 and their certification program confirms that the Loftware Print Server® v10.0 outputs compliant labels to Loftware's global customers in industries ranging from Food and Beverage, Healthcare and Consumer Goods to Retail, Electronics and Aerospace & Defense.

"Working closely with GS1 US to achieve certification for Loftware Print Server 10.0 reaffirms Loftware's commitment to provide customers with labeling solutions that adhere to the latest standards," states Scott Johnson, Senior Product Manager at Loftware. "We are pleased to continue working alongside GS1 US in the future as the standards evolve," notes Johnson.

About GS1 US:
GS1 US, a member of GS1, is a not-for-profit organization that brings industry communities together to solve supply-chain problems through the adoption and implementation of GS1 standards. More than 200,000 businesses in 25 industries rely on GS1 US for trading-partner collaboration and for maximizing the cost effectiveness, speed, visibility, security and sustainability of their business processes. They achieve these benefits through solutions based on GS1 global unique numbering and identification systems, bar codes, Electronic Product Code-based RFID, data synchronization, and electronic information exchange. GS1 US also manages the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®).

About Loftware, Inc.

Loftware, Inc.
166 Corporate Drive
Portsmouth, NH
