Local Photographer Photos Contribute to National Article on HOUZZ.com

Local Photographer photos contribute to national article on HOUZZ.com

Jim Schmid Photography, commercial photographer of the Greater Charlotte area, has been featured on the newest article on HOUZZ.com titled “YOUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL GAME PLAN”  

The photo was part of a project designed by Urban Building Group of Charlotte, NC and featured a solution for a mudroom that could be used for dual purposes.  Using their design, they developed a mud room that helps keep the area organized and study friendly when children arrive home from school.

It's great when one of our customers is featured on Houzz.com They are the #1 home improvement site in the US and guarantees residential pros will be introduced to a huge number of potential clients. Urban Building Group deserves this recognition and we certainly congratulate them on the increased exposure this feature brings them

Jim Schmid, Photographer

Jim Schmid, owner of Jim Schmid Photography commented “ It’s great when one of our customers is featured on Houzz.com They are the #1 home improvement site in the US and guarantees residential pros will be introduced to a huge number of potential clients. Urban Building Group deserves this recognition and we certainly congratulate them on the increased exposure this feature brings them.“

To read the full article visit www.HOUZZ.com or http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/29981401/list/your-back-to-school-game-plan

For information on Jim Schmid Photography, please visit www.jimschmid.com

About Jim Schmid Photography

Jim Schmid Photography is a leading commercial photographer in the Greater Charlotte, North Carolina area and surrounding areas.  Since 1999 the company has been helping their clients build and maintain portfolios and marketing material.