Link Between Calcium and Vitamin D More Critical Than Previously Known

With recent government and medical industry studies being performed, critical link between vitamin D levels and calcium become more apparent.

With recent research being performed on the benefits of vitamin D and its important link to calcium levels in the body, researcher and chemist Robert Barefoot has increased his efforts to educate the public about the importance of the two as well as the best ways to increase your levels for optimal health.

Barefoot tells us that his research on the topic (specifically Vitamin D and Coral Calcium) over the past several decades is finally coming into the limelight, and he couldn't be more enthusiastic. With outlets such as The New York Times, CNN, and US Government's National Institute of Health publishing research, performing extensive studies, and airing news segments on the topic, he's relieved that his potentially life-saving research is finally getting attention.

"I first realized the critical role of these two supplements after I linked the current vitamin D deficiency in our country to the campaign launched against sun exposure by dermatologists in the 80's. When they decided that sunshine was the enemy, they put many people's lives at risk by limiting their skin's ability to produce vitamin D by covering up, staying inside, and lathering on sun block. This, in turn, lowered our body's calcium levels, as calcium is a massively important nutrient that we all need to stay alive and healthy" says Barefoot.

Bob then began researching cultures that have seemingly disease-free lives and consistently reach 100 years old. He found the residents of Okinawa, Japan to fit this bill in addition to several other cultures who have one thing in common: they live in areas where their drinking water is extremely rich in calcium and trace minerals. This, in-turn, lowers the acidity in body which lowers the risk for virtually all degenerative diseases. Having studied the benefits of biological calcium from Coral Calcium for over 40 years, Bob is regarded as an authority on the topic of the calcium and vitamin D relationship.

Barefoot concludes "There is a growing movement that wants to do more than just use chemicals and drugs to block the symptoms of disease. Study after study has shown us those cultures such as the Okinawans, Hunzas of Pakistan, Bamas in China, the Tibetans, and a long list of others all live well past 100 years virtually disease-free. And the common denominator among these cultures is their high intake of calcium as well as vitamin D either through sun exposure or natural diets. It stands to reason that we should take note from the longevity of these people and try to emulate their habits."

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