Limitless Promotions Shares Tips for Career-Minded Students

The president of Limitless Promotions highlighted some helpful career tips for university students. She also discussed the firm's approach to hiring and training talented college graduates.

“As a college student, I think the first thing you have to do is fully explore your options,” stated Jennah Z., the president of Limitless Promotions. “Even after you’ve settled on a major or career path, I think it’s important to learn as much as possible about how you can apply your unique talents. Here at Limitless Promotions, we stress constant progress, and it’s something I think you can strive for as a college student as well.”

One of the best ways to research a potential career is by working as a student. “A part-time job in your field is really the ideal way to find out if it’s the right match for you,” the president added. “I suggest looking into any internships and volunteer events as well. You might be able to explore two or three different career options simply by offering your time and talents to several causes and companies.”

"We've found that there are some real benefits to hiring graduates,"

Jennah , President

Jennah also believes college students should expand their horizons as much as possible while earning their degrees. As she put it, “I would suggest reading on a wide variety of topics. Make sure to read a newspaper or industry-related blog every day, but also use the Internet to read about subjects far outside your chosen field. Knowledge is power, and there’s really no excuse for not exploring the wealth of information at your fingertips when you’re a student.”

Limitless Promotions President Discusses the Firms Focus on Attracting College Grads

“We’ve found that there are some real benefits to hiring graduates,” the president noted. “They’re still in learning mode, and they’re very adept at learning new concepts and putting them to use. Not only that, they also have a comfort level with innovative technology that many senior team members simply can’t match. I think it’s great to have a team with diverse talents and knowledge bases, and it’s always nice to add driven young people with fresh points of view.”

Company leaders believe their training and advancement approaches make Limitless Promotions an ideal destination for recent graduates. Jennah explained, “We provide extensive training and one-to-one education that allows new team members to learn the business from the ground up. In addition, we also offer merit-based promotions that keep our people inspired and engaged. When you combine our commitment to development with plentiful advancement options, our firm is an ideal place for motivated graduates to forge their career paths.”

About Limitless Promotions

Limitless Promotions produces event-based outreach campaigns that lead to long-term brand growth that’s easy to measure. With the help of deep research and careful assessment, the firm’s team members design and launch dynamic solutions. As such, they capture the spotlight in new markets. Their efforts drive return business and referrals, which result in increased revenue. The firm’s success has paved the way for a portfolio of loyal partners that further support their work. They represent small startups as well as global brands in a wide range of industries. To learn more, visit