Limitless Promotions Indulges in Year-End Planning

The final quarter of the year is a busy one for Limitless Promotions. The team is preparing for the holiday season and ensuring a fresh start to 2016 as well.

“When we talk about end-of-year planning, we aren’t developing an entirely new strategy for the final months of 2015,” said Jennah Z. the president of Limitless Promotions. “We’ve had plans in place for quite some time. At this point, we’re simply getting ready to implement them. The idea is to have a fruitful holiday season and begin 2016 on the right foot.”

Jennah explained that she and her colleagues put a number of guidelines in place to ensure they are poised to succeed in the future. These specifications are related to finances, training, hiring, service provision, and expansion. “I would never wait until the last minute to put plans in place,” she stated. “That’s a recipe for disaster. By being ready early in the final quarter, we have plenty of time for troubleshooting as well as obtaining new technologies and other resources that will help us achieve our goals.”

"Just as goals keep our firm moving forward, so does the learning and growth of our people,"

Jennah , Company President

According to Jennah, guidelines for the new calendar year also include measurement. It’s imperative to measure progress toward anticipated outcomes, and the correct tools must be available in order to do so. She pointed out that, for maximum impact, it’s best to set goals on quarterly, monthly, and even weekly bases. With such a system, it’s easy to monitor forward movement and make adjustments as needed.

Leadership at Limitless Promotions Incorporates Training Into Year-End Plans

Another important discussion taking place at Limitless Promotions refers to the need for ongoing professional development. “Just as goals keep our firm moving forward, so does the learning and growth of our people,” Jennah continued. “As such, training is a big topic in our fourth-quarter conversations.”

“My colleagues and I at Limitless Promotions meet with each of our team members on a regular and individual basis,” Jennah concluded. “We keep tabs on their personal goals, as well as their unique strengths and areas of needed improvement. This knowledge not only helps us position people in ways that best benefit the brands we promote, but also to ensure our people flourish. We want to help them maximize their strengths, do what they love most, and give them the resources they need to thrive. These assets always include relevant training, which we add to our strategic planning for the future.”

 About Limitless Promotions

Limitless Promotions produces event-based outreach campaigns that lead to long-term brand growth that’s easy to measure. With the help of deep research and careful assessment, the firm’s team members design and launch dynamic solutions. As such, they capture the spotlight in new markets. Their efforts drive return business and referrals, which result in increased revenue. The firm’s success has paved the way for a portfolio of loyal partners that further support their work. They represent small startups as well as global brands in a wide range of industries. To learn more, visit