Limitless Promotions Highlights the Growth of New Talent

Limitless Promotions' president announced that a promising group of students are completing the internship program at the firm. She also noted that they have proven themselves to be highly career oriented.

“We’re having a great summer, with some amazing interns,” said Jennah Z., Limitless Promotions’ president. “They really contributed a lot to our team. Our interns helped us research, develop, and launch several impactful campaigns. My colleagues and I are incredibly appreciative of these efforts. We hope our interns will return to school feeling more confident, knowledgeable, skilled, and inspired.”

In addition to industry-specific experience, Jennah and the other leaders at Limitless Promotions instill a range of soft skills in their interns. These include empathy, organization, active listening, problem solving, and networking. The firm’s internship program is also noted for acclimating students to healthy office settings.

"I really hope to see some of these people after they graduate. I would love for them to join us on a full-time basis,"

Jennah , President

“I really hope to see some of these people after they graduate. I would love for them to join us on a full-time basis,” Jennah stated. “There’s a lot of value in this group. They are undoubtedly career-minded, with goals that extend far beyond landing paychecks.”

President of Limitless Promotions Differentiates Between Job-Mindedness and Career-Mindedness

“We hire routinely throughout the year,” Jennah continued. “My colleagues and I at Limitless Promotions know exactly what we want in our candidates. Among other traits, we seek individuals who desire challenge and growth. Our interns clearly demonstrated such desire. Anyone who aspires to nothing more than a job that pays the bills will simply not fit into our culture.”

According to Jennah, there are numerous differences between career-minded and job-minded people. For instance, those who are career-minded go to work because they want to, while those who are job-minded go to work because they must.

“Career-oriented workers act,” indicated Jennah. “They arrive at the office early every day, and they are focused. They work well with others, embrace challenge, and remain open-minded to unique ideas and perspectives. Job-oriented people, however, watch the clock. They are indifferent to their work, viewing challenges as little more than tasks to complete. Sometimes they are even quite distracted, and won’t act until they are instructed to do so. They are highly resistant to change as well.”

“I suppose it’s pretty clear why we hire candidates who want to build careers,” concluded Jennah. “The only way to achieve true success is with a team of professionals who are self-motivated, eager to learn, happy to participate, and driven to produce results.”

About Limitless Promotions

Limitless Promotions produces event-based outreach campaigns that lead to long-term brand growth that’s easy to measure. With the help of deep research and careful assessment, the firm’s team members design and launch dynamic solutions. As such, they capture the spotlight in new markets. Their efforts drive return business and referrals, which result in increased revenue. The firm’s success has paved the way for a portfolio of loyal partners that further support their work. They represent small startups as well as global brands in a wide range of industries. To learn more, visit