Life Change Is Giving New Dimensions To Christian Truth

Life Change Supply is giving new dimension to the Christian truth of Love, Forgiveness, Fellowship and Holy Spirit. Ross Carne the founder is making people aware of the teaching of the Holy Bible.

Life Change Supply
Street - 17 Mason Road
City - Collingwood
State - Ontario
Post Code - L9Y4G3
Country - Canada
Telephone - 705-445-7108
Website -
Email -

Collingwood (Ontario), 21st March 2012: Life Change Supply is giving new dimension to the Christian truth of Love, Forgiveness, Fellowship and Holy Spirit. Ross Carne the founder is making people aware of the teaching of the Holy Bible.

Many believers of the religion have forgotten this truth of scripture which has led to so much of pain and suffering in life. Ross who has been writing under the name Life Change is one a mission to make believers aware of these scriptural truths which can act as guiding stars in life. These virtues of Christianity have nearly been forgotten by a section of the society who often finds themselves in crossroads in life. This has resulted in the deterioration of the society where a section of the youth has started walking the wrong path.

Ross writes and speaks with a completely open frame of mind. He doesn't impose his thoughts on the readers and merely explains what the scriptures communicate and people can accept or reject what he has to say. This open ended approach has earned him praises from all quarters especially the youth who see him as the perfect medium to know the scriptures from. Many non-believers also see his writings as a window of knowledge towards scriptural truths.
To know more about Life Change or read Ross' commentary on life please visit the website

About Life Change Supply: Life Change Supply ( is a Canadian company that wishes to make an impression with people using every day English in the marketplace. It is wholly owned by Ross Carne to showcase his writing. He regularly churns out commentary on contemporary life which is inspired by the teaching epistle of the Roman church.


About LifeChange Supply
