Lexington Plastic Surgeons Launch "Operation Keloid" to Change Lives One Patient at a Time

Operation Keloid

Lexington Plastic Surgeons, a NY based plastic surgeon practice with offices in New Jersey, Atlanta, DC, & Miami has launched a mission driven crowdfunding campaign called “Operation Keloid” (OK). This powerful campaign was designed to bring awareness and support to patients suffering from a skin disorder called keloids.

Operation Keloid (OK) is a 501(c)3 foundation that provides education and the resources to make the “Keloid Free Journey” obtainable for all. OK uses its funds to help patients get proper treatment for existing keloids while enhancing their mental health through this process. Patients suffering from this life altering condition can submit their story to be elected as a sponsored candidate to receive a grant to cover the costs related to keloid removal surgery. OK is also looking for donations from those who want to help change the life of someone in need.

Operation Keloid Co-Founder, Dr. Michael E. Jones has worked on patients with keloids for over 20 years and has become one of our Nation’s Top Keloid Specialists. 

In addition to providing fully funded grants for patients needing keloid surgery, OK is also dedicated to helping victims of Keloids worldwide. OK has launched an Operation Keloid crowd funding campaign in support of their efforts in bringing worldwide attention to educating Doctors and patients alike on the latest medically-advanced options available in treating Keloids as well as forming medical treatment centers throughout the United States and internationally via our Operation Keloid Mobile Medical Units. Operation Keloid mobile units will serve as off-site medical treatment centers to treat, educate and provide alternative options to patients affected by keloids. 

About Operation Keloids

Operation Keloid (OK) is a 501 (c)3 foundation founded by Dr. Michael E. Jones and Cathleen Trigg-Jones, that provides education and the resources to make the “Keloid-Free Journey” obtainable for all. The organization’s mission is to help patients get proper treatment for existing keloids while empowering and enhancing their physical and mental health through this emotional and life-changing process.  OK strives to assist those in need through its continued efforts of generating awareness on the various ways in which patients can be affected from keloids and to bring medical attention to the US and internationally that people need in living a keloid-free life. 

Media Contact: 
Cynthia Sutherland
Phone: (212) 223-0716 Ext. 144
Email: Csutherland@catscapeproductions.com

Source: Lexington Plastic Surgeons

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Lexington Plastic Surgeons, a NY based plastic surgeon practice with offices in New Jersey, Atlanta, DC and Miami.

113 E 39th St.
New York, NY
