Levia Hartman's New Book 'Crown Up' is an Awe-Inspiring Read About an African Woman's Sacrifices, Struggles, and Success in America

Fulton Books author Levia Hartman, who currently lives in Colorado, has completed her most recent book "Crown Up": a stunning nonfiction about the hardships and misfortunes that the author had experienced. She was just a young girl when she left Africa with her mother. They arrived in America with a hope for a richer, happier, and brighter future. But Levia was immediately hit with the harsh realities.

Hartman shares, "Me, to America? There is no way; they must be joking with me! Somebody pinch me and wake me up! Maybe this is just a daydream. It is not possible. All my life, I've never dreamed or even imagined stepping my feet unto America's land. But the message was loud and clear. I was going to America! This is my story of the journey I took and the sacrifices I made trying to make it in America."

Published by Fulton Books, Levia Hartman's book is a revelatory piece meant to inspire, encourage, and give readers a reason to live. It's about leaving one's comfort zone and overcoming each obstacle in life.

Levia Hartman's account highlights her resilience and persistence. Truly a wonderful read from start to finish. 

Readers who wish to experience this heartening work can purchase "Crown Up" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at support@fultonbooks.com or via telephone at 877-210-0816. 

Source: Fulton Books